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Keep . : Shades of Silence : . free!


Name: 久慈川 りせ (Kujikawa Rise)
Age: 15
Persona: Himiko
Ultimate Persona: Kanzeon
Weapon: n/a

Rise is actually the first person in your party you ever see, as she's in a commercial that's playing on a screen as you board the train to Inaba. She doesn't just endorse crappy zero-calorie soft drinks, though! Rise is a bona fide idol (the Japanese term for pop star-and-all-around-celebrity). Yep, she sings, she dances, she models, she acts, and she's ABSOLUTELY SICK OF IT. After her decision to take a hiatus from celebrity life goes public she moves to middle-of-nowhere Inaba to work in her grandmother's tofu shop and hopefully avoid the paparazzi. Not only does this plan backfire but Rise also attracts the attention of Inaba's serial killer and she gets thrown into the telly. After confronting her Shadow, she realises that she's been portraying her management team's manufactured Risette personality for so long that she doesn't even know who the "real Rise" is anymore, and decides to figure it out with you and your friends at her side. Rise is the seventh person to join the Investigation Team, but she is not a fighter.