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Keep . : Shades of Silence : . free!

Iselia: The Village of Oracles

After the whole intro sequence and much talking, Refill (リフィル) runs out of the room to see if the Oracle arrived. Talk to people if you want, then attempt to leave the room. Genius (ジーニアス) runs into the wall (er...) and tries to stop you. You have a choice now. If you choose "OK, fine," skip to the next paragraph. Choose "It's research!" and you basically get Genius and Collet (コレット) to come with you. Collet and Genius joined your party!

If you choose "OK, fine," you stay in the classroom. The Pastor then enters and calls to Collet, then collapses on the floor. Apparently, the Desians have attacked the temple. The Pastor dies, and Collet decides to go to the Temple. No matter what you choose now, you all end up going.

Now, inspect the hole in the front of the classroom (back of the screen). Aha. Collet obtained the title of Klutz! Congrats? ^@__@^;; Talk to the blue-haired kid near the front of the classroom to get a Magic Lens! Press the Select button for a conversation between your party members (also known as a skit). Leave the room, then leave the building.

You notice that it's really quiet and that everybody's gone. Collet's father Frank (フランク) calls to her from offscreen (that glowing circle you saw as the screen panned over is a Memory Circle/Save Point (SP)). Well, apparently the Desians have invaded. How fun. Go down and left and leave the area. The house on the left side of the screen is Genius and Refill's house. Despite Genius getting annoyed at you, you can go in and read a book on the bookshelf, but you don't really need to (it does spark a conversation between Genius and Lloyd (ロイド), though). Keep following the path to reach the store (the building after Genius' house). Buy a Life Bottle and two pairs of Boots, and equip the boots on Lloyd and Collet. Keep following the path to return to the area where the school is. Go right, and in the next area is Collet's house. If you talk to Frank, he will heal you for free (good to know in the future).

Return to the school area, use the SP, then keep going past the school. Ack, monster time! This guy's really easy to beat; just keep pressing O. :oD You'll probably earn the title Tetra Slash in the after-battle screen. By the way, changing the titles of your characters can change their stats for better or worse, so check it out. After the battle, Collet compliments you. Exsphere, huh? As your party members get into an argument, another monster appears. Kill! Well, you heard the screen, use the R button to switch between targets. After some talk, you can move on again. Get Frank to heal you if you need to, save if you wish, then keep following the path. You find yourself in a field full of monsters. Another skit option shows up, and now it's time to beat up some more monsters! Remember: Frank can heal you whenever you need him to. Try to get Collet to level 2 and Genius to level 3 before leaving the field. Then again, levelling up will become a lot easier (and less dangerous) once you get to the Temple... you'll see why soon enough. When you get enough gald, buy some boots for Genius, as well. When yer ready, enter the Martel Temple (the weird-looking thingy in the field).

Martel Temple

After some discussion, in which Collet is her normal, ditzy self, your party hears signs of a struggle inside of the Temple. If you chose "OK fine" earlier, then you and your party just run up to the top of the temple (after Collet trips, of course); otherwise, the Pastor comes out and calls to Collet. He approaches your party, then collapses, then dies. Collet decides to go into the Temple. Choose to go with her, then climb the stairs to the Temple. About halfway up the stairs, the game switches to a scene between some Desians and Collet's grandmother. Apparently, the Desians want Collet. Your party now arrives on the scene, and Phaidra (ファイドラ) tells Collet to run. Of course, you stand and fight.

Mini-Boss: Desian soldiers (2)
HP: 570
TP: 10
Attacks: Physicals

I think these guys are actually easier than the enemies you encountered on the field... ^>__>^;; Just beat em up. Why are there two in this battle, when three ran at you? Maybe one fell over the edge...

After the battle, the soldiers run away, and now you have to deal with this weirdo? *sigh*

Boss: Vidarr
HP: 4,000
TP: 30
Attacks: physicals
Recommended level: Lloyd: 4, Collet: 3, Genius: 3
My current level: Lloyd: 2, Collet: 1, Genius: 2

One thing I'd like to clear up here and now: the difference between "Recommended level" and "My current level." See, someone was using my Tales of Phantasia walkthrough and said that it'd be helpful if I had "Recommended level" for all of the boss battles, not just the ones that I thought were difficult, so that people using the walkthrough could have a sense of what level they should be at. "Recommended level" will be what level I believe one should be at to attempt the fight, while "My current level" is what level I was on when I defeated the boss.

Anyway. No matter how well you're doing, the battle stops and your party's pretty much giving up, when out of nowhere a mystery swordsman strikes down Mr. Tusk-face. You're thrust back into the battle, but this time Mystery Boy's onyer team. Just keep fighting, and use Demon Fang. Don't worry about your HP, cause Mystery Boy will heal you when you need it. Have both him and Genius continuously casting Fire Ball, and Collet doing Ray Thrust, and this guy won't get even one hit in onya.

After the battle, the Desians retreat, and yer party members comment on how great Mystery Boy is (aww, jealous, aren'tCHA?). Collet decides to go take the trial, and you decide to take over for the Priests in the job of protecting Collet. Mystery Boy now introduces himself as Kratos, Mercenary Boy-Wonder. ... or something to that effect. He says that if you can pay him, he'll accompany you. Well, fine. Ahaha, you get called a child and basically a nuisance and a bother. Answer as any man in his right mind would: "What did you say?!" (if you answer "...Gotcha," you still go, so there's no getting out of this one) Haha, Collet comes to your rescue. Haha, Genius is all like, err?? And Kratos is sooooo not happy. :oD

Finally you reach the inside of the Temple. Kratos gives you the Training Manual. Anyway. Going left leads you to a monster and a dead end. Go forwards and up the stairs to find out that the way is sealed. Well, fine. To the right it is, then. Follow the path and, at the end, go down the stairs. At the bottom, your party notices the Sorcerer's Ring, and Collet wanders off on her own to find some rather large creature...

Mini-Boss: Golem
HP: 1,210
TP: 0
Attacks: physicals

He's really just like any other enemy. Just watch out for when he swings his arms around, cause he can hit multiple party members pretty hard.

After the fight, the Golem turns into a square rock... and Collet trips and knocks down through a hole. ... do you get it? Well, if you don't... basically, you have to keep beating up Golems and dropping them down through the holes in the floor so that you can complete the path on the floor below the one you're on. Well, hop to it! Push them into these holes (the top row would be the row towards the back of the screen):


You'll end up with one box on top of another one. Ignore the new Golem, and go down the stairs at the front of the screen (left side). Go right past the SP, then up, then left and push the extra box left until it falls into a hole. Run across the boxes, up the stairs, defeat the monster, then open the chest to get a Life Bottle out of the chest. Go back up and defeat the next Golem. You need two more boxes (including the Golem you're fighting now). These two go in the holes with the asterisks (*) next to them. Do the right hole first, then go downstairs, push the box right and into the hole, then go up the stairs, defeat the monster, and get the Panacea Bottle out of the chest. Back up stairs for one last Golem, shove the box, then go back downstairs and push the box towards the back of the screen to fill in the last gap. You hear a chime (yay, task completed). Alright, up the stairs you go! You acquired the Sorcerer's Ring! By the way, you can shoot this at enemies on the normal screen, and then you can just go right through them. Save, then run back up the stairs, then go up the stairs on the left side of the area. Go to the bottom of the screen, and on the right side of the room are three chests (Apple Gummy, Life Bottle, and 250g). Go back downstairs, then get back to the entrance. Back upstairs you get another skit option. Return to the door that was sealed and press X. The door now opens, and you seem disappointed. Tch. I would really recommend leveling up some before stepping into the teleporter. Will make things easier in the future, as Boy-Wonder won't be in your party for much longer. Step onto the teleporter to get to the next level.

Helloooo Cruxis Crystal! And hellooooo bright light? Ack, an angel! He's apparently here to help guide Collet to heaven... mrr? He says it's time to wake Martel up... and where is Refill anyway? Collet becomes the Chosen of Regeneration, and then you cut to a reaaaaaally tall tower. Why yes, yes it is the Tower of Salvation. We have to do who the what now? Ah, so the rumours of Collet being a descendant of an angel were true. Fun. Talk to everybody, Kratos last. He then says that it's time to leave, and uses the teleporter. Collet tells you and Genius to stop by her house later, then also leaves. After Genius puts his foot in his mouth, you're left all alone. Skit! ... ha, yer a nutcase. Another skit! Well, OK, you get to keep the Sorcerer's Ring. Fun fun. Aaaahhhh, skit overload!! ^@__@^;; Well, there's nothing more of interest up here, so use the teleporter, then attempt to leave the temple. Er... hi Refill! Whereya been? ^O__o^;; And what's so MARVELOUS? Ahahaha, ye be in hot water now! ... and with the spanking of Genius... and then you get yer butt kicked. Haha. Well, now you can either fight more monsters, or just leave (by the way, you only have Genius and Lloyd in your party now, so no Kratos to heal you). When you try to leave, you hear some crazy laughter... spooky. Head back to the village when yer done.


The villagers are back! The old man with the cane tells you that, while going back to your house, if you meet any Desians, that you shouldn't fight them. Enter the school to find Refill there. Apparently, Refill's gonna go with Collet. Aww, Genius is all upset. Genius obtained the title of Brotherly Love! OK, now, you remember where the store was, right? OK, go behind the store and continue right off-screen. At the end of the tunnel-like thing, talk to the guy there and, after telling you what a good job you did protecting Collet, he gives you some grapes. When yer done messin around, enter Collet's house.

... this is apparently the meeting that guy in the first area was talking about (black-haired guy who says something about the Mayor being in a meeting about the path of the Chosen). So... Kratos and Refill are gonna be guarding Collet? Collet and Phaidra thank you, and Phaidra gives you the Collector's Book. Ha, so you wanna see the world regenerating, doya? And so does Genius! IT'S A PARTY! LET'S ALL GO! ^<__<^;; Orrrrrr... Kratos will repeat how much you get in the way. ^9__9^;; Children, eh? Why youuu... bah, evil Mayor. ^>__<^ As you leave, Collet chases after you... trips... then apologizes. ^@__@^;; It's her birthday? Aw. What a way to spend yer birthday, fighting off monsters and learning that yer father's an angel. ^<__<^;; Looks like you forgot. Bad boy, no cookie! Especially none of Genius'! ^>__<^! A little overconfident, isn't she? *sigh* Ah well. After calling you out, Genius decides to walk you home. ... er. Anyway. Skit! Now, take Genius to his house, where he opens that locked drawer. Huzzah, food? Well, he is right: you need food so you don't die. Cause, ya know, dying is bad, mmmkay? Choose Yes to learn about cooking. You also get the ingredients for a sandwich. ... and this game is making me hungry. ^;__;^ *stomach growls and scares away all of the random monsters* eheheh... sorry bout that... Use the south exit to leave the town.

As you try to leave, the guards tell you to do something about your pet, Noish (ノイシュ). After you reprimand him for trying to enter the village, the guards tell you that they have a message from the Mayor. ... and what the heck is a human ranch, anyway? Dog, huh? Looks more like an eagle-wolf-thingy to me. Still cute though. ^~__~^;; OK, leave already! The forest is to your left.

Iselia Forest

As soon as you enter, Noish starts getting all upset and runs off. Go right, then just follow the path. You get another skit at some point. Continue to follow the path, then go left where it splits. Fight off the enemy, then open the chest for an Apple Gummy. Back up where the path split, go right to get a Life Bottle. Keep following the path, and when you reach an SP, Genius says that that's where he's gonna stop. ... apparently, at the infamous human ranch... the same ranch that everybody keeps saying not to go near. You decide to go with him. Well... save already!

Go left, and it cuts to the inside of the Desian human ranch... *grrr* Man, I hate people like that... anyway. Go forwards, then left. An old woman approaches the fence, and Genius runs to her. Genius tells her about the oracle, and you learn that the last Chosen was killed by Desians. ... oh great. Exsphere? Exsphere, Exsphere, blah! Explain, please, Lloyd? Thank you. ^~__~^;; No matter what you answer, you'll agree to ask yer dad about the Keystone Crest for Marble (マーブル). Genius likes you better if you choose "I understand." Soon afterwards, the Desians discover Marble at the fence. She tells you to run for it. Either way, you make a break for it, and the Desians take Marble away to be whipped. Go to the right side of the gate and inspect the ledge there (on the other side of the bushes from the gate). Jump up and to the right until you get to the top right-most ledge (the ledge on the right has a chest with an Orange Gummy in it, by the way). After witnessing what they're doing to Marble, you concoct a daring plan. Genius agrees, and gives you some cookies so that you're fully healed. After Genius attacks the Desians with Fire Ball, Lloyd runs off, with the Desians in full pursuit. Genius trips and falls, and goes "Owww" really loudly (some Genius, huh?), causing the Desians to halt. You decide to come to Genius' rescue.

Well, the good news is, these guys are exactly like the ones you fought at the Temple. The bad news is, you're on yer own for this. Well, they're not too tough, just don't get stingy with yer TP. Sonic Thrust does pretty decent damage, too. After the battle, more guards come racing out of the main gate, and you take a flying leap off the cliff. You meet back up with Genius inside the forest, where he apologizes profusely. Of course, your solution is to have Genius do your homework forya. ^9__9^;; Back on the clifftop, random bad guys comment on yer amazing jump of DOOM.

Save if you'd like, equip Genius' beret and boots, then continue forwards til the very back. Take a left and open the chest to get an Apple Gummy, then go back and go right this time. At the very end, inspect the tree towards the bottom of the screen to find a semi-hidden chest with a Leather Glove in it. Go back to where the path split, then go down and right, and open the chest for another Apple Gummy. Go down, then right across the bridge, then open the chest nearby to find 500g. Keep following the path, and where it splits just keep going forwards. When you find the branch with a bag on it, go under the branch, then left and up onto the little hill, then up the branch and open the bag to get an Orange Gummy. Back on the path, keep going forwards to exit the forest. On the map, go straight through the trees and approach the house on your left (you should get a skit with Noish as soon as you get to the world map). Enter.

Dike's House

Enter the house to find your dad. You ask if he can make you a Keystone Crest, and he gets all suspicious. Ack, now he's pissed. ^.__.^;; Dike (ダイク) also explains why you have to hide your Exsphere. Aww... poor Lloyd's mummy... You also get a very stern lecture, and a smack in the face. ^@__@^! You rush outside... to find half the village standing there, having heard what just transpired between you and yer dad. Aha. If you choose OK, skip to the next paragraph. If you choose "Just a minute," you can go talk to the other people. Kratos will actually be relatively nice to you. ^o__o^ AUGH! IT'S A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE! RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIIIIVES!!! ^<__<^! If you "talk" to Noish, he apparently wants to meet someone (and you somehow apparently learned to understand what he's saying...). Whenyer done, go talk to Collet (she's near Noish).

You apologize for not finishing her present in time, and Collet talks all depressed-like. After you vent about the Desians, she askes you to come to the village tomorrow... even you you just said you want nothing to do with the village. ... doesn't listen very well, does she? You, of course, agree, like the love-sick boy you are. :op Collet gets all cryptic again, then the Sage siblings interrupt you two.

The next morning, you've managed to finish Collet's present. Go downstairs and use the SP under the stairs, then head out the front door. Find your dad staring at your mother's grave. Talk to him, and he interrupts your apology by giving you the Keystone Crest for Marble. You tell him that you're going off with Collet so that you can avenge your mom, and he doesn't try to stop you. He does however give you two Apple Gummys, a Life Bottle, 500g, and a map of Sylvarant. Nice dad, huh? ^~__~^ Well, off you go! ... er... Genius? You're not Noish! ... they what?? OK, OK, we're goin, we're goiiiin!! Sheesh! Stupid morning people!

Fire, Mutants, and Jail, Oh My!