Continue on into the next area. Knock over the pillar on the left, then go all the way around on the right to get the Nostrum out of the chest. Go back
around and over the pillar, avoiding those annoying TerraTerrors. If you have to fight one, don't use Inferno or Deluge, or other all-enemy blue or red
elements, unless there aren't any Cyto/Ectoplasms with the TerraTerror. Go south into the next area, descend the flights of stairs, then use the waterfall
to get down. Head towards the very bottom of the screen and climb onto the branch to the right. Follow it all the way up to get a Nostrum. Head down and
left, then out through the opening. Climb down the branches, dodging the myxomycetes (whoever came up with these names must've been very angry with their
keyboard). Now, climb back up the other side, then go left. See the chest? Well... just try to approach it. Aaaahhhh.... *ahem* ^@__@^;;
Head up to the left, and... it's a talking face! Don't worry though, you don't have to fight
this thing. And no, I don't know who he/she/it/cheese used to be. Sorry. Mr./Mrs. Stoneface pretty much repeats things that have already
been said a million times before. Just keep going. Go all the way up the branches, then down and left, then farther down and right,
then up a little and through the hole. Hellooooo chest you tried to get before you went swimming. It's a Pack of Lies, a great weapon
for Sneff or any other card/shot-throwing character. Return to the previous area and go left. Edge past the waterfall and open the chest
there (yes, it's really hard to see) to get a Defender Plus. Equip this on any blue-innate character that you might have in your party.
Now go right to exit this area.
Climb down into the water then go up the branch. Dodge the TerraTerror and get the Rainbow Shell out of the chest. Keep going up, then on the top level
(not including the ledge at the very top) head right and slide down the wall to the hole. Get the Betta Carotene out of the chest (weapon for Janice), then
go back, slide down, and get back up to the top level again. Climb up the branch on the left to get to the top ledge, then exit right. Head around and
knock down both pillars (yessss! Break stuff! :oD ). Use the second pillar to get down, and use the other
pillar to get to the second part of the circle. You can now go back outside and save if you'd like. Otherwise, climb up the stairs and
head out the door. Go right, play Dodge the Cupoids, and head all the way to the back and around to get the HealPlus out of the chest.
Allocate this to any green-innate character, then approach the floating red thingy...
Boss: Pyrotor
Innate: Red
Attacks: OmegaRed (tech), SadnessWave (tech, all-party), *RedWolf, Tablet
Power up as high as you can, and hit it with Deluge. Three or four of those (and even less if you use IceBerg) should do the trick... Wow,
this one actually lasted into the second round. ^9__9^;;
You get RedField for kicking his butt. Keep following the path to exit the area.
Go up the ladder, around, to the left, up the ladder, up the other ladder, to the right and down the ladder, and get the Rainbow Shell out
of the chest. Back up the ladder, around to the right, up the ladder, up the other really long ladder, down the little ladder, to the
left and up the ladder, down the other ladder, around and down the ladder (ladder ladder ladder ^@__@^;; ), and get the Spectral Glove out
of the chest. Equip it on Grobyc/party member that uses a glove... unless you already forged him/her/it one already... like I did... aha.
Go back up to the top-most platform and climb up the branch.
Head over to the far right staircase and climb it up to the third level. Now, head left and down the middle staircase to the second level
and head left to get a HolyHealing out of the chest. Go back up the middle staircase and take the right staircase all the way up to
recieve another Rainbow Shell. Head back to level three and take the left staircase to level four, then the middle to the top level and
exit stage left.
... what the?! Look familiar? Don't worry, it gets even wierder... (... ummm... that's supposed to be reassuring??) Enter the "library" and talk to the
Prophet of Time... a.k.a. Belthasar?! (CT veterans, I know how you feel... apparently he got bored of being a Nu... or something...) Well, actually, since
Crono and co. defeated Lavos, the 2300 AD future that existed in CT never came to pass (remember, Lavos was the one that made it all evil outside). Sooo...
Belthasar never became a Nu, apparently... and yes, that means that Crono and co. created a paradox, cause how can they find out about Lavos in the future
if they erased that future? Bah. Anyway... on with the show! Speaking of CT, the CT ghost-kids are back. Belthazar explains a lot of stuff, like how he
built the Neo Epoch to travel here (so that thing in the basement of Viper Manor's library is only sort of the Epoch...), the war between Chronopolis
and Dinopolis (Terra Tower), and about the Dark Moon Dragon (i.e., Harle). ... although, if she was created by the Dragon Gods ten years
ago... then how come she's 18 years old (it's in her ingame profile)?? Ah well. It also explains why her original name (i.e., her name in the Japanese
version) is Tsukuyomi (which is the name of the Japanese moon goddess).
Crono gets all excited that you have the Chrono Cross, and no, I have no idea why.
They also explain that the Chrono Cross uses the elements to produce a harmony... pay attention, grommit! Now, head upstairs and flip the
switch. Climb the ladder and get the BlackHole out of the chest (... even though I have, like, 11... ^X__x^;; ). Exit the pseudo-library.
Well, now that exit has been sealed off, but another one has been opened. Enter to find a bunch of crystals floating in the air and playing
a melody, which you should pay attention to. Anyway. Cross the bridge, but don't exit this area just yet. On the left side of the doorway,
next to the pillar, is an area that should be blocked off, but isn't. Walk around this ledge and go down the steps. Get onto the other
ledge and run around the top to get an UltraNova out of the chest (BOOYAH!). Go to the back and exit.
Boss: Anemotor
Innate: Green
Attacks: OmegaGreen (tech), *Sonja, Bushwhacker, BushBasher, AeroSaucer, AeroBlaster, InfoScope, HealPlus
Use a couple of Earthquakes or ThundaStorms and he should be toast. If Norris/yellow innate character is in your party, have the person before him cast
YellowField, then have him cast *ThundaSnake or *Golem.
Huzzah for GreenField? Use the teleporter in front of you to move on.
When you arrive, your party notices some sealing devices blocking the way. Save. ... save... SAAAAAAVE, YA MONKEY, SAAAAAAAVEEEEEEE!!!
^O__O^!! Head left first, and dodge the Cupoids to reach the teleporter. Use it, and you encounter some weird Taurusoid-ripoff thingy...

Boss: Gravitor
Innate: Black
Attacks: OmegaBlack, Nostrum
FlyingArrow/that nifty new UltraNova you just got and Dive&Drive should do the trick. ... orrrr just attacking him with physicals for
a round... ^O__o^;; But OmegaBlack hurts, so don't get too overconfident.
After the battle, the first seal is destroyed. Use the teleporter to get back, dodge the Cupoids again, then enter the right
Time to play dodge the Cupoids again! (but this time there are TerraTerrors involved, and a strong wind blowing you
in random directions, as well). While the wind is blowing, press the opposite directional button than the direction the wind is blowing.
When the wind dies down again, run! Use the teleporter, and you're confronted by another weird Taurosoid rip-off thingy...

Boss: Luxator
Innate: White
Attacks: OmegaWhite, HolyHealing, Magnify, MeteorShower
Use black elements freely, and he should go down quickly. Have Grobyc/black-innate character go first, if you have one in your party, and
equip him with the White Plate, or else OmegaWhite (which he usually does after Magnify) will kill him. No, seriously. *splud* goes the Grobyc.
Huzzah, another UltraNova! The second seal is destroyed, souse the teleporter to get back and dodge the cupoids again... (ugh)

Enter the door in the back and walk up to the blue bubble.
Boss: Aquator
Innate: Blue
Attacks: OmegaBlue, Deluge, IceBerg, Vigora, Nimble, Numble, CureAll
Give Glenn the Blue Plate if he's in yer party, cause his defense is suck-tastic. Cast TrapIceBerg, because this guy'll cast Vigora, and then you'd better
watch it: he'll cast Deluge, Iceberg, and OmegaBlue right after eachother.
You get a BlueField for defeating him. Pay attention to the order in which the circles light up (better write this down), then head up
the stairs and use the teleporter.