Viper Manor - Another World - Where Lies the Key to the Past
If you took Nikki's route, skip to the next paragraph. Pierre's route: ignore the chest and go forward, then right, dodging
the soldiers, cause I don't want to have to repeat myself. :op Skip to the next paragraph. Guile's route: again, don't wanna haveta repeat myself, so
head left into the next area, dodging the spotlight and the guards.
(*Tip: It hasn't really mattered up til now, but start using Kid's Pilfer tech, especially on
the Acacia Sergeants, since you can steal cool items, like Bronze Helmets and random elements. ).
Alright, now that we're all by the well at the bottom-left corner of this area, we can continue. :op Go north, fight off
everybody in this area (yes, including the people in front of the door). Oh, and sometimes the Acacia Privates drop a
Meteorite (lv. 2 white), so yay! At the top-left corner is a chest with an Ointment (cures burns). Alright, check the door... and... it's locked. Well duuuuuuh. You don't think they'll have all those guards
for an unlocked door, do you? :op Regardless of what Kid says, go left. If you came in with Pierre, then the gate's open,
and the chest is behind it. If not, then you can see it clearly. It's another turn element, a TurnYellow. If the gate's
closed, you listen to what the guards have to say, although it's not much. Just something about a guest. Eh. OK, back to
the other area, and go south and right (this is the area you'd've started off in with Guile). If you step into the searchlight,
then you get attacked, but don't worry, it's not game over. Head all the way left, and there's a little door north of the end
of the path (where the dude was who was throwing boulders at you in Guile's route). There's a chest at the back with a
TurnBlue in it. Go back out the door, then go north and through the double doors there. Again, it's not game over if you
step into the light (what is this, a cult??), but you do get attacked. Hee! It's fun to make him chase you! (if you keep running, he'll eventually go away)
These are the dragon stables (look a lot like puny velociraptors, don't they?). Save your game if you want. Head towards
the back, and talk to the stable guy. Say you're the new helpers, and feed the dragons. He says he'll give you something nice
if you do. OK fine. Start with 10 times, just to get a feel for it. You can try for more right after you're done,
just talk to the guy again. The prize is better for the more times you feed them. (10 = Knee Pad, 20 = Bronze Helmet.
30 = Bronze Mail, 40 = RecoverAll, 100 = Iron Vest). 40's the most times you can do right now, with a lot of skill, speed, and patience. It is
possible to do 100, but that's only in the New Game+ with that nifty time-warping feature thingy. You can only get one prize for each time, so don't try
the same number of times over and over, cause you won't win anything. After you feed the dragons, he tells you that the key's
in the cupboard. Get it, and make your way back to the front entrance.
Inside, head towards the viper statue in the back. Inspect the front of it, and enter some random combo. No matter what you
put in, it'll still be wrong, and you'll end up in a cage. This is where Kid appears if you haven't let her join
yet, or if she's just not inyer party. Inspect the cage door (it's towards the front of the screen) to fight the guards, unless Kid isn't inyer party.
If she hasn't joined yet, she now appears and knocks out all of the guards, then joins yer party whether you like it or not. If she's just not inyer party, two of the guards wander off
to inform somebody, Kid appears in the same place she would've if you'd never let her join (the basement stairs) and knocks out the lone
guard, then wanders off on her own business after ragging onya for not bein able to take care of yerself without her. The other two guards
come back and you have to fight them. Whichever way yer game goes, you end up putting on the guards' clothes. Well, cept Poshul, of course...
Heheh, poor Poshul. The fortune-teller lady did warn her about over-eating... :oD Go down the stairs and talk to the guy staring at the wall twice. He tells you that he has the Parlor Key, and that he's going
to hide it. You can come back for this key later in the game. The prison's locked too, so don't bother with that. The chest
in the corner is actually a Boxer Brother. If you attack the correct Boxer Brother, then you get a prize; otherwise, you'll
have to fight both of them. The game chooses which is the right one randomly, so I can't really help you here. Leave the basement.
Doors? What doors? (yeah, I know how you feel... it's those rounded metal things at the sides of the room. Trust me, they're doorways, just walk around
them and hit X until they open). Try the one on the right first. Talk to the guys in front of the door, and don't give them an answer (if you let Kid
join yer party before entering the Manor and she wasn't inyer party when you fell for the trap, she'll have knocked these guys out already). Trust me,
don't choose anything: the password is silence. They let you into the treasure room. No, you can't get that gold in the left corner, believe me, I've
tried... Kid gets all happy, until she realizes that the Frozen Flame's not there. Get the stuff in the back. You get a Bronze Sword, a Bronze Mail, and
the Hero's Shield. Story-wise, it might make more sense to take Guile's route, but most of this stuff is totally Pierre. Equip the Bronze Mail on whomever
(probably Kid), and if Pierre's in your party, give him the Bronze Sword and the Hero's Shield (all the Hero items (there are 3, and if you took Pierre's
route, you have 2) can only be equipped to Pierre. Plus, he's the only one in yer party who can weild a sword. If you inspect one of the reddish vases
behind you (if you're all the way in the top-right corner of the room), you'll fight a unique enemy found NOWHERE ELSE in the game, named... Potty.
(*Note: This has absolutely NOTHING to do with a) going to the bathroom, or b) illegal drugs. Unless it's what his designers
were smoking while they were designing him... ^O__o^;; ) He's not at all difficult to beat, he's just... odd. He also HAS A GENIE INSIDE HIM AAAHHH
that appears if you take too long to kill him and does some decent damage with its attack. After he's dead, you can get a TurnRed out of the vase he was
hiding in. There's a chest in the corner (it's another Boxer Brother). Get on the riser and inspect the shiny thingy hanging on the wall. No matter what
you choose, you're screwed (yup, another trap) ... (but you get the silver pendant, though)
You end up in a cage in Luccia's lab. The mad scientist lets you out, only to test her Neo-N-Bulbs on you. Great.
Boss: Neo-N-Bulbs (2)
Innate: Green
Attacks: Bushwhacker, Bushbasher
My current party: Poshul and Guile
This is NOT a hard boss battle, except for when they do Bushbasher repeatedly. That thing can also cause poison (status effects
are denoted by a coloured dot above the character's black box on the battle screen), which drains HP. If one of your characters
gets poisoned, make sure you have a healing element handy. These guys are really succeptible to ElectroJolt, even in your lv.
2 slot, so, like I said, not too difficult.
After that, she leaves you alone. Remember the thing in the corner she told to shut up? Go talk to it twice, and set it free (you can recruit him later).
Awwwww, Pip so cute. ^~__~^ Talk to Luccia again, and she tells you not to let him go (whoops). When you're leaving, she stops you and says that she will
help you whenever you need it (in other words, you can recruit her later). Alright. Stand in front of the door with the rather large eyeball in it. Now,
you can either fight this annoying thing, or open the door without fighting it. Portalgheists will summon up random enemies, and can also cast ElectroBolt
(lv. 4 yellow) so if you choose to fight then go after the Portalgheist first, then get rid of the other enemies it summons (it'll only summon up enemies
that you've already fought (or would have fought if you'd chosen one of the other two out of the Guile-Nikki-Pierre choice), so don't worry too much about
it). Also, you have a chance to steal a nifty element from the Portalgheist using Kid's Pilfer tech (the element is Magnify, and can come in handy for one
of the boss strategies further down this page). To open the door without fighting, stand directly in front of it, and hit X when the eyeball is closed. Voila!
Oooh, the armoury... Well, open the chest for a Bronze Helmet. The only other thing you can do right now is fight a bunch of
nasty enemies, but you don't have to. They're kinda hard to beat right now, but you can always come back later in the game
(in fact, you will). If you push the statues into place, then Gloops will fall from the ceiling and attack you, so don't do
that. Grab the Decor Shield off the wall, and then leave if you don't want to fight the aforementioned nasty enemies. If
you do want to fight them, then go over to the far wall. See those suits of armour with decor shields? One of them is
missing one. Inspect it, and give it the Decor Shield. Meep... Alright, this is how you do this: 1) they're all innate-black,
so Serge hits them hard, but they also hit him hard. Eh. 2) Have all 3 party members go after the same enemy until he's dead,
then repeat the process til they're all gone. They'll do BlackRain, but all it does is reduce Hit%. After that's over and
done with, leave the room.
If you're sick of those damn WillO'Wisps dropping down on you from above by now, here's a tip: don't walk on the carpet, walk along the sides of the
hallway. Sure, they can still get you when you try to open doors, but it'll be less of them falling on you this way (lucky you... I hit every single one
of them the first time I played...). Go left (not up the stairs), and bust up the Roborg (talk to it twice). They may hit hard, but eh. You could get
an ElectroBolt as spoils (lv. 4 yellow!!). Continue to the left, re-enter the middle room, and go through the other door. The first door's the mess hall.
Oh look, it's Glenn again. Talk to them to overhear a conversation about the first trap. Glenn leaves, then talk to the dragoon he was talking to for
more information. Go towards the back, and there's a chest with a Dragoon's Honor in it (ahhh, I love that thing). Enter the kitchen (it's on the left)
and talk to the dishwasher (hi Norris!). Find a TurnGreen in the cupboard. Exit the kitchen, and the last door on the left in the hallway is the living
quarters. Find Glenn in the back of the first room. Inspect the wall where he was to find out the code for the trap door upstairs (if you die or restart
the game at this point you'll have to talk to all of these people again cause the code changes each time you load (even if you save after getting the code)
*sigh*) In the next room, there's a Revive in the trunk, which you'll NEED. Leave the room.
Upstairs, the first door is Harle's room, apparently. If you try talking to her, she tells you to shut up ("se taire....").
There are two chests in the back: the big one's a TurnBlack, and the other one's the Boxer Boys again. The room next to Harle's
is the infamous parlor. ... it's locked, obviously. Continue down the hallway, beat the Roborg, open the gate thing, and go
across into the other hallway. The door without the huge freaky eyeball is Dragoon Deva Karsh's room. Talk to him for info
if you want. If you bug him enough (i.e., try to open the chest 20 times), you get a Dragoon Gauntlet. Yay! The room next
to Karsh's is Zoah's. You don't really need to go in here, but if you must, then go ahead. You can talk to Zoah for more
information, but no matter how many times you try and open the chest, you won't be able to (at least not until much
much further along in the game). Alright, time to head back and try that code on the viper statue (hope you wrote it down,
or else you'll have to go back downstairs to the wall again). Enter the code, and the doors will open. Head up the stairs.
No matter how many times you try to fight that dumb Roborg in the corner, it's broken, therefore it won't budge.
Instead, go to your left. Open the door at the end of the walkway, and you end up in the library. Go up the staircase, and
Marcy talks to you. If Nikki's in your party, you're in for a little surprise. The Prophet of Time hears you, and asks Marcy
to lower the ladder (take note of where the switch is, and of the trunk up where the Prophet was). The Prophet explains a
bunch of stuff to you, while Marcy annoys you. After the conversation she's eager to kill you, especially if Nikki's in yer
party, cause he keeps making her madder and madder. Kid tells her to shut up, and the Prophet reveals yet another wacky surprise:
Marcy's the third Dragoon Deva. ("WHAT?! This little brat??")
Boss: Marcy
Innate: Blue
Attacks: Cat'sCradle (tech), IceBlast (lv. 4 blue)
My current party: Kid and Guile
Yes, that little brat, who's a hell of a fight, who keeps freezing your party members, and who keeps casting CurePlus on herself.
Use Kid as soon as the battle starts, since she's red innate and Marcy's blue, therefore she'll hurt Marcy the most, but will
be weakest against Marcy's attacks. Power her up first, and use up her elements before she gets taken down. Then, hit her
hard and hit her fast. Don't let the field effect (that oval thing at the top of the screen) turn all blue, or Marcy's attacks'll
be hell. If you use Cure, hurry up and attack with a different-coloured element right after that. (here, too, I didn't heal myself...
I didn't start doing that until about half of the game was over, silly me...).
Woo! Iron... or IceBlast... Once the battle's over, Marcy runs away, and the Prophet is surprised. He also tells you what
to do next. Now, go get that TurnWhite in the chest up there, and get the heck out of the library.
Back in the main hallway, Harle makes a brief appearance, in which she hits on Serge, insults Kid, begs Serge not to go on,
and tells him to dream of her... ^O__o^ Aaanyway... go to the pillar on the left that the Prophet told you about. Trust me,
the switch is there, just walk around reeeal close to the thing, pressing X about a million times, until the platform lowers
itself. ... bwhaha! Nice jump there. ... they apparently are going to try and stop you (ha haaa! I have beat Marcy! You are
no match for me! Pitiful mortal! Bow down! Bow down I say! ... *ahem*). Get onto the platform, and there's a switch on the
armrest. The platform rises, and you enter into another hallway with two doors, and Portalgheists guarding both of them.
Save your game, and open the door directly in front of the stairs. Nope, the thing on the desk
isn't the Frozen Flame,
as Kid soon reveals. Oh look, she seems to have used Summon: General Viper... and Lynx!! Get ready for another boss battle... and I
don't care
what the Prophet said... *every* *single* *time* I've played this game, I've found Marcy harder to beat than Lynx.
Boss: Lynx
Innate: Black
Attacks: HellSoul (chance of killing one party member), HellBound (chance of killing one party member), AntiWhite (single character, white elements
temporarily unusuable), Imbecile (magic attack power reduced temporarily), Nostrum (heal self for large amounts of HP)
My current party: Poshul and Guile
Alright, well... there are two ways to go about this. One is the way the official guidebook says to do (which I never ever
follow), and the other way is... well... my way. :oD
Guidebook's way: Remember all those damn turn elements we've been collecting? Have them allocated. OK, since I didn't do it
the book's way, I'm going to put in what I think it wants you to do. First off, have Serge power up his grid and hit Lynx with
either Dash&Slash, or PhotonRay/Meteorite in his lv. 4 slot (since Lynx is black-innate). Then, cast a turn element on him.
If Guile's in your party, have Kid cast TurnWhite, then have Guile either do Wandaln or GravityBlow in his highest grid level
(since Lynx is now innate white, thanks to that turn element). Then have Serge cast TurnBlue, and Kid do MagmaBomb in lv. 4,
etc., etc. If you have Pierre in your party, then have Kid cast TurnRed, and Pierre do IceBlast (if you got it from the fight
with Marcy) or IceLance in his highest grid level, then Serge TurnBlue and Kid MagmaBomb, etc., etc. Same for if Nikki's in
your party. I think you get the picture. :op
My way: If you got an ElectroBolt from one of the Roborgs, allocate that into Serge's lv. 4 space. If not, then just put
in a PhotonRay/Meteorite or the highest level element you have (Bushbasher, IceBlast (unless Pierre or Nikki is in your party), etc.), and give him a white
element for his free lv. 3 slot. Give everyone else high-level elements in their lv. 4 slots, and PhotonRay in their free lv. 3 slot. If you managed to
steal a Magnify from a Portalgheist earlier, put it in someone's lv 2 slot and power that character up first and cast Magnify. Now power Serge up and hit
Lynx with Serge's highest grid level white element. During this first round, hit Lynx with only white attack elements. This SHOULD cause him
to only cast AntiWhite, which makes it so whomever he cast it on can't cast any more white elements for awhile, but who cares? Only Serge has two white
elements on him anyway (including his tech). The only other thing Lynx should do during this first round is use physical attacks, which isn't so bad. If
he didn't get Serge with AntiWhite (which he probably didn't), then have Serge do Dash&Slash on Lynx in the second round, and have everybody use their lv.
4 slots. Then have Serge use his lv. 4 slot, and by then Lynx should be dead, or close to it, since he won't do anything except cast Anti-White if you cast
white elements.
If you take too long to kill him off, he starts casting HellSoul and/or HellBound, which is bad. They have a high chance of killing off one of
yer party members each time. ^.__.^ Also very rarely he will use Nostrum on himself but like I said, rare. But it's a pretty cheater move on his part ^=__=^;;
After he's "dead", it turns out it wasn't him after all. ... owie, headache, bad orb on table... Wow, looks like there's no way out, huh? Oh look, a hostage.
Riddel comes in and Kid grabs her. You end up on the balcony. (...) Whoops. Lynx attmpts to kill Riddel, and Kid pushes her out of the way, taking the
blow. She falls off the balcony, and Lynx approaches you. You and your other party member end up jumping off the balcony after Kid. BANZAIIIIIIIIII!!
Korcha is magically waiting there at the bottom, whether he helped you get there or not.

Guldove - Where Ripples Become Waves
Dream of a Shore Bordering Another World
Nothing's Changed But Everything!
[The Hero] [The Magician] [Rockin' Bard Superstar]