The Black Crystal
Looks quite familiar, doesn't it? Go onto the thing around the platform with the
teleporter on it, and get the Capsule out of the chest. If you haven't noticed by now, this layout is exactly like the one
in the beginning of the game, cept with treasure. Go up onto the platform on the left, battle the dragoon, go outside, battle
the dragoon (whee, repetitive), and go around and inside. Go down the diagonal stairs to your right, then go left for a
MeteorShower (yes, that lv. 4 white that SunofaGun was using). Now go right, past the door you came in through, and through
the other doorway. Collect the Angel Charm, go back outside and to the left, enter, and go up the stairs. Kill off the dragoon
on the platform on your right, then continue towards the back. Fight off the Acacia sergeant, grab the Daemon Charm, then
keep following the path through the doorway. ... ^.__.^

Boss: Bunyip
Innate: Red, then Black
Attacks: MagmaBomb, FirePillar, Inferno (lv. 6 red, all-party), Volcano (lv. 7 red, all-party), GravityBlow, Gravitonne
(single-party), DevilThunda (black tech, all-party), FreeFall (lv. 6 black)
Have TrapInferno and TrapFreefall allocated, cause you'll need em. Just use physicals for awhile, hopefully trapping Inferno
once or twice. If Kid's in yer party, try stealing, and you might just get a FreeFall. Whee. But do NOT let the field effect
turn all-red, unless you want to try and trap Volcano at the risk of getting hit with Inferno. Both of them are all-party,
but Volcano does a ton more damage. If you trap it, it's like Iceberg in that only red-innates can use it, although anybody
can use Inferno. I say have a TrapVolcano allocated, just in case. After about two or three rounds, regardless of damage, he
changes into something
really freaky-looking of innate black. Cast TrapFreefall NOW, and now
you can use everybody's techs, unless you want to milk him for Freefalls. Watch out though: his black elements do a lot of
damage, especially to Serge. If you're going to trap Freefalls, then make sure you keep your HP above about 125 for each
character. Once you're bored of playing the set-trap-and-wait game, Serge's Luminaire and HolyLight do a lot of damage.
Deactivate the black crystal and get on the teleporter. ... now this is where things get ugly, and I don't mean the fights...
Boss: General Viper
Innate: Yellow
Attacks: G-Force (tech), AirForce (tech, all-party)
Glenn should do pretty well against General Viper, plus he should have his lv.5 tech by now (finally! ^9__9^ ). This fight is so much cake, you don't
even need a strategy for it. Heck, you don't even need a green-innate char in your party and it's still cake. "Hah-hah-hah!!!" (...)

After the fight, the General compliments you on being worthy adversaries, and decides to give it his all this time. But before he can make a move, Lynx
stabs him in the back, the traitor. *snorts* Viper realises all too late what's really been going on. Well, too bad, cause now it's our problem. ^>__<^
Boss: Lynx
Innate: Black
Attacks: GlideHook (tech), lv. 1 - lv. 4 elements (yes, including MeteorStorm)
This fight shouldn't be too hard, either. Just use techs and white elements and watch your HP. The only real problem are his physical attacks. HolyLight
is painful (for him, anyway!). :oD

After the fight, Lynx starts blabbering about hate and love and coins, which gives you a mighty big headache (as does that damn evil orb again! (stupid
Dragon Tear!)), Another movie, and you fall to the floor, and things just get generally worse from there. uh... nice eyes. ... meep. Since when did you
start talking so much? um... move?
Boss: Serge, Kid, and other person in your party
Innate: Black, Red, variable
Well, if you haven't figured it out yet, you've somehow turned into Lynx. Yes, it
is possible to beat them, but even
if you
do kill off your friends, you suddenly develop a conscience, walk over to Kid, and she kills you with one stab. Fun.
Anyway, after your near demise, "Serge" wants Kid to kill you, but she's hesitant. Whoops, Lynx made a mistake, didn't he? "How'd you know Lucca's name?"
Serge then stabs Kid. "Yer... Lynx... ain't ya??" Well, yes, so it seems he is... "Serge" takes the Dragon Tear off the pedestal, knocks out your other
party member (or both party members, if you didn't have Kid in your party), and blows everything up before leaving.
HALF-WAY POINT! (I hope you've not gone this far all in one go!) Oh well. NEXT!