Ignore the ghost-thingies, since they can't do anything to you, and you can't do anything to them. Talk to Toma (the second
dude you come across) twice, and ask him all four questions for information. When you ask about the Dead Sea, he tells you
that perhaps the sage aboard the S.S. Zelbess'd know where Death's Door, the entrance to the Dead Sea, is. He lets you sleep
in the first hut for the night. During the night you hear voices. Choose to check it out. Go up and to the right, and a
mermaid jumps into the water and swims away. ... well, I guess that solves the mystery of the crying so-called "ghost."
Toma comes out to see what yer doin up at this hour. He also tells you to go to the S.S. Zelbess in the morning. Irėnės,
the mermaid, overhears this. The next morning, Irėnės hails you: "Ėxcüsė mė, sön öf män..." Board your boat, and go to the
S.S. Zelbess.
The S.S. Zelbess
The S.S. Zelbess is behind Mount Pyre, and to the left. ... man, Irėnės swam all this way? Yeesh. ... er... ship look familiar?
Go up all the stairs, then head below-deck. Enter the first room, and talk to Miki on the restaurant balcony. The second
door (the kitchen) is locked. Go downstairs and to the right, and enter the first door. Inspect the stage, and watch Sneff's
magic show. Errr... I think Sneff was looking up Jill's skirt for a sec there... ^<__<^;; Ha, put that on a stick and eat it,
Jack! The second door is locked as well. Enter the last door, and ask the guy with the mop about the sage of Marbule. Tell
the girl in the back that Marbule's as beautiful as ever, and she'll tell you the story of how the ship got its name. Go
outside and overhear the conversation between the mop guy and the sailor. Talk to the sailor, who mentions that the mop guy
used to be the leader of Marbule (a.k.a., the sage). He also tells you that he'll let you through to the Grand Slam if you
get the captain's permission. Go back upstairs and to the left. Enter Fargo's quarters, and overhear the conversation between
him and Irėnės. She lets drop some interesting information about rock star Nikki, Dragoon Deva Marcy, and Luccia... talk to
Fargo, and one of your party members says something stupid like "We're from Marbule!" Fargo gets a little miffed, then he says
he'll let you in to the Grand Slam if you beat him in a game of chance. Go to the casino (the room directly under Fargo's
quarters), bet your boat, and play the game. No matter what Fargo says, this is a game of skill... but don't worry,
you're supposed to lose this round, like it or not... After you lose your boat, Fargo leaves, and you have the casino
all to yourself. Play the game again. Now, here's a slight trick on winning: keep pressing Start after the guy starts the
wheel. When you see the pointer on South (S), or somewhere between South and Southwest, press Start and X soon thereafter.
The pointer'll land on North (N), unless you took too long to react. N will double your points, E gains you 50pts., W deducts
50pts., and S equals "DEATH!!!". Play for all rank prizes, or just go for the gold... but the only prizes worth getting are
rank one prizes. Rank four is a bone, rank three's iron, rank two's mythril, and the rank one prizes are first a Rainbow Shell,
then Denadorite (both good forging materials... try getting more Denadorite!). Go downstairs to the Inn (all the way on the
left). Notice the guy coming down the stairs? He yells at the cat for trying to go up there, and one of your party members
says something about things being easier to investigate if only you were as small as a cat. ...?! Hey! Remember Sneff and his
"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"? Well, unfortunately, you can't forge stone stuff yet, but oh well.
Back in the show room, the show's about to start. Sneff asks you if you want to volunteer... duh!
Say yes! After he turns your party into cats, attempt to get away and Sneff tries to catch you, straining his back (he actually
strains his back whether he bends to pick you up, or if you just run out the door and come back). If you did run out the door,
go back into the show room, and go right through the kitty door. (and yes, that was Solt and Peppor onstage...) Well,
now you're stuck being a cat, but that's not all that bad, is it? Exit the room through the kitty door in the left wall, leave the stage room, and climb the ladder. Watch the cat
near the kitchen, then enter through the same hole he does. Talk to the patchwork cat inside to get the Monster Mouth frame
and get the FryPan Ag47 out of the trunk. Talk to the cat outside for some tips, then head back to the Inn. Go around the
counter and up the stairs and watch the guy help Fargo cheat, putting Sneff even more in debt. Aww, poor Sneff. He then gets
surprised at seeing you... then promptly falls asleep. ^O__o^;; Take the handle off the machine and leave. Go above-deck and
talk to the lady in yellow at the rail, then climb up the mast. Watch the kitty run along the rope at the top, and follow suit.
You find yourself aboard the Magical Dreamers' ship. Enter the dressing room in front of you to witness Irėnės asking Nikki
to sing Marbule's song. Leave, and head down to near where your boat used to be docked to see the sage scrubbing walls on the
other side. Go back to the stage room and enter the dressing room through the kitty door to find that Sneff is feeling much
better. He changes you back, which means it's now time to go challenge Fargo again.
Fargo's up in his quarters. Nikki is in there already, asking about the sage. They get into an argument, in which Fargo basically tells Nikki that he owns him.
Nikki notices your party, then the dresser in Fargo's quarters. He comes to the realization that Fargo is in fact his...
father?! Nikki then leaves, so challenge Fargo again. Back in the casino, Fargo takes his turn... and loses. He then notices
that you have the handle, but wonders to himself how in the world you could have gotten it. He now gives you back your boat,
and grants you access into the Grand Slam. Go down to the door that was guarded by that sailor, and he'll let you through.
Go down the stairs, and exit outside through the holes where the cannons were on the S.S. Invincible. Remember that "game"
awhile back, follow the leader with the spectre of Serge in the tower in the Temporal Vortex? It's kinda the same thing now.
Enter through the same door as the sage, and after awhile he confronts you. Ask about the Dead Sea, and he then asks you if
you will go so far as to use brute force. Answer "Of course!", and the battle begins.
Boss: Sage of Marbule
Innate: White
Attacks: PhotonBeam, random low-level elements
This battle isn't incredibly difficult. One round should be enough to make him sag. The sage casts turn
elements on your party, but it's usually something to the effect of TurnBlack on Lynx, then casting PhotonBeam, or TurnYellow
on Norris, then AeroSaucer (haha, guess what, that's their innates in the first place). Still, watch your HP, cause chances
are one of these attacks'll put one of your party members in the red, or close enough to it to matter.

After the battle, the sage gives you the Fiddler Crab. Nikki comes in and asks to be taught the song. He also invites you back to his ship later. Itching
to get into the
Grand Slam yet? Go ahead, I ain't stoppinya... but be forewarned: you're probably not gonna be able to win now, but
here's the line-up anyway, since it is possible (choose your monsters in the order I list them). By the way, you can find these monsters (especially the
Dead Sea ones) in the Bend of Time (located in both worlds, it's a very small group of islands surrounding an even smaller area of black water, between
Marbule and the main island). You go into the pillars of light further back and press X and you'll get transported to one of the areas you've previously
been to for one fight only, and after the fight (win or lose) you automatically return to the Bend of Time. However, the pillars to each area will only
be activated once you've already been to certain areas (so, for instance, if you've not been to the Dead Sea when you go to the Bend of Time, the Dead Sea
pillar won't be activated yet).
You don't even have to take Sprigg along when you do this, but you'll need the Forget-Me-Not Pot if you don't take her (found in Chronopolis
later on in the game). Plus, if you beat all three rounds, you get to recruit Janice. ^~__~^;; (also, her level 7 tech is found by talking to the monster
in the Bend of Time). Woo-hoo! Janice joined your party!
Alright, so, this time around I actually defeated all three rounds of Janice's monsters without being in a New Game+ and still being at the point in the
game where you have just fought the Sage (so I didn't leave and come back later), so I'm revising this. I'll put the monsters I used this time (Fossicer
and YellowBelly are from Earth Dragon Isle, and Puffy is from the El Nido Triangle), but I'll also keep the old lineup I had, which I'll designate as "Optimum team," because using all three rounds of
Optimum Teams will guarantee that Janice will join you. Make sure that your priority targets in each round is the strongest enemy monster (i.e., Taurusoid,
Cybot, and AirFrame). Also, you win an item after winning each round. For defeating Round One, you get a Stamina Belt,
a Resistance Belt for beating Round Two, and a Dreamer's Scarf for mowing down Round Three. Oh, and one more note: if you're going to use undead (AirFrame,
Wraith, Crossbones, etc.) in your monster party, please be aware that using healing elements on them (no matter the colour) will either do damage to them or
outright kill them. Revive will still work on them, however.
Grand Slam |
Round |
Janice's Monsters |
Your Monsters |
Round One |
Beeba, Taurusoid, Gloop |
TotalChaos, CatBurgular, YellowBelly
Optimum Team: TotalChaos, Lagoonate, GobbledyGook |
Round Two |
SpearFisher, Cybot, GobbledyGook |
Fossicer, Puffy, Wraith
Optimum Team: Taurusoid or Aero-Guard, Cybot or Combot, CrossBones |
Round Three |
Cuscus, Cassowary, AirFrame |
Lagoonate, Crossbones, Dodo
Optimum Team: Gyroblade or Whoot, Tragedienne or Gizmotoid, CatBurgular |
Back in the casino, Sneff is hitting the jackpot! Follow him back to the dressing room, and Sneff joined your party! Abovedeck,
climb the mast and get on the platform. On the ship, enter the dressing room on the lower deck. Nikki has been waiting for
you, and now proceeds to tell everyone his plan. After they go off to rehearse, Irėnės joined your party!
Death's Door, the Dead Sea, and Even More Dead Things
Dream of a Shore Bordering Another World
Nothing's Changed But Everything!
[The Hero] [The Magician] [Rockin' Bard Superstar]
Vipers and Poison
Guldove - Where Ripples Become Waves
Fairy Appetizers
Cheating Pirates and Spooky Ships
Dwarven Invasion: A Prelude to Being on Fire
Crystal Connundrum