Up the stairs and around to the front is a capsule in a chest. Go back down the stairs and towards the back, then climb the
stairs in this second area, climb the ladder, and go inside. Battle the Geos to get the Screw out of the chest. Down the
ladder and to the right down the street is another Screw. Back to where you got the first Screw, go right, down the stairs,
left, and to the back to get the Mythril in the chest. Head towards the front of the screen for a freefall, both elemental
and literally... *boom*! (owie) Back up the stairs and further down the street you find the only piece of
machinery in this whole crazy place...
Boss: HighwayMan
Innate: Black
Attacks: ExhaustGas (causes status effects and reduces your hit%, all-party), Rampage
Just hit him with your high-level elements, and he should be gone soon, unless he does ExhaustGas a lot, in which case just stick to weak attacks so you
can activate your element grid. Watch it, cause Rampage can kill off a party member. Having the Silver Loupe, Dragoon's Honour, and/or Sight Scope
accessories should help nullify the effects of ExhaustGas a bit, and the Resistance Belt/Resistance Ring reduces the time that status effects last.
Head further down the street and exit the area. Oh, by the way, Harle just got her level 7 tech skill. It's really your choice if you want to have her in
your party or not. Personally, I'm sticking with Irėnės and Norris. Anyway. In the next area, wander about to find an AntiBlue and an AntiYellow.
City Ruins - The Dead Sea
To the right is a Resistance Belt. ... Robo Duckyyyy, lalala... cept don't take a bath with it or you'll electrocute yerself. ^X__x^;;
Down, right, and inside the room are some Kung-Fu Shoes (and quite possibly a Geos, if he's not runnin around outside). Go all the way
left, then down, then climb the ladder and enter the tower. Inspect the screen in the back. Norris has electrical know-how! (he shows up somehow, even if
he's not in your party) You learn a bit about the ruins, and about Lavos. Don't forget the Earring of Light in a hidden chest off to the left.
Back outside and down near the bottom of the screen is a Geos staring at a chest. You don't even need to fight this dolt: just go around
him and open the chest from the side to get the Stamina Ring. I fight him anyway, but I just think it's funny how you can just leave him
there, staring at nothing. :op Back on the frozen sea is an AntiGreen.
Tower of Geddon - The Dead Sea
Wheee... funky-looking building... Use the escalator to reach the second floor. Around to the left is a... feather. (wow...) Go back
around and to the right, then go through the doorway. Talk to the Geos sitting on the bench at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
He gets up to go catch a train... which no longer exists. ^O__o^;; Follow him, and inspect the floor where he disappears to get the
Station Pass. Climb onto the subway and get the Purify out of the chest. Continue up the subway, and through the turnstiles and to the
right is a HolyLight. The next section contains a Medical Book at the front of the screen. Go back and slide down the chute.
Back in the main part of the tower, use the escalators to get to the third floor. Go left and activate the elevator, and send it to the
first floor. Back down on the first floor, enter the elevator to get the Trashy Tiara. Head back to the third floor, and go right to
get the Mythril out of the chest (hate Mythril yet?). Go left and through the doorway, where Lynx sees a spectre of Marle. ... man, I
never noticed that giggle before... creepy. Avoid bumping into the things in the red dresses, unless you bought those Trap elements waaay
back when like I toldya to, cause Tragediennes throw mega-heavy elements at you. If you're going to try this, then listen up (if not,
then just skip ahead to the next paragraph): Have TrapBlackHole, TrapTornado, and TrapVolcano allocated to your party members. Also, have
ONLY healing elements in your first three grid levels, cause you'll need them. Now, find a Tragedienne. The good thing about these weirdos
is that they announce what elements they cast at the very beginning. If they don't have anything interesting, then just run away and then
try again. ... yes, I am well aware of the fact that they think they're in a beauty pageant... ^O__o^;; toldCHA they're weird. Anyway.
You'll need the healing elements, cause often enough you'll get two Tragediennes that cast different high-level elements, and you can't
set two traps at once. So... pick an element to trap, and just heal. Three of them start off attacking first, so if you get let's say
a Volcano and a BlackHole, hope that those two don't go first. If one goes first, then just trap the other. And don't use the Tragedienne
yer trapping from to activate grid levels. Equipping less-strong weapons also helps. The good thing is, if they cast healing elements,
it's usually on you. Also, to trap more elements, heal the ones casting whatyer trapping, ifya need to. You can also leave the area and come back for the
Tragediennes to respawn, but if you kill all three in the area in one go, they won't respawn.
Left and up the ramp is a Feather (towards the front of the screen). Back to where you came in, follow the path that Marle took, then go
left, then up and around to the right, tucked into the corner there, is a CurePlus. In the back is the Prop Sword (which becomes the Hero's
Sword when you give it to Pierre later). On the other side of the area from where you found the CurePlus is another tucked-away chest containing
a HealAll.
In the next area, Lynx sees a spectre of Lucca (Chrono Trigger veterans: getting freaked out yet?). Go right and up the ladder, then up
the other ladder. Inside the doorway you'll find a... Mythril. (...) Grumble to yourself, then go across the ramp to get a SealAll
element. Climb back down to the round thing from which you saw Lucca, then climb up the... airplane wing? Who knows. Go through the
doorway, and get ready for a very disturbing scene... well, you've found out what happened to the missing dragoons... ... is it
just me, or does that guy standing just behind Riddel look like... Glenn? Noooooooo, Glennkuuuuuuuuuuns!!!! ^;__;^

... *ahem* See the yellow path off to the side leading up? Go up it, past the ghost of the dragoon, down, and get the Diminish out of the
chest. ... *frowns and stares at "Glenn"* ... he's too fat to be Glenn, so I say it's not Glenn, so nya. No death for Glenn. ^>__<^
Anyway. Ignore my obsession with Glenn, and head back down the yellow path, then up towards the swirling vortex thingy in the back.
Enter the Enertron (the machine-thingy off to the right) to restore all your HP! ... but you're still hungry... haha. Gogo CT references. :oD
Save your game. PLEASE save your game. After that, head further back, and on the right is a Screwy Dress, and on the left is a HellBound. Go even farther
back, and in the next area read the inscription under where Crono is sitting. After being accused of being a murderer by the spectres,
Miguel, Leena's father, appears out of nowhere. ... not that I have any idea of what the heck the ghost-kids are talking about... and why
the heck are they ghosts, anyway, if they're supposed to be about 46?! Beh. "Far gone," my arse, unless they all died really really young.
^@__@^;; More of the flashback that Marge (yer mom) started... ... er... I thought it only started being called the Dead Sea three years
ago, not ten... BAH! Refuse to stay there, and prepare to fight.
Boss: Miguel
Innate: White
Attacks: HolyDragSwd (tech), HolyLight, MeteorShower, PhotonBeam, AntiBlack, TurnBlack, StrongMinded, WeakMinded
... I still have no idea why we have to defeat this guy to restore distortions and such, but OK. It's his funeral. ... literally. Anyway.
IF YOU STILL HAVE ANY, CAST TRAPHOLYLIGHT!! Augh! Hopefully you were able to trap a BlackHole. If so, allocate that to Lynx, and unleash it on Miguel! It
hits him really hard. After that,
just use the highest-level elements you've got, like IceBerg and Earthquake. Watch your HP, though, cause his tech hits not only Lynx
hard (cause he's black-innate and Miguel is white-innate), but it can do decent damage to any other party member, too. He can easily kill
Lynx off in any number of ways, so make sure you have that other Revive allocated to somebody
other than Lynx. If you get really
desperate, you can cast that SealAll from earlier so that Miguel can't cast anything. Do NOT take this man lightly AT ALL. If you're
thinking of milking him for HolyLights, you'll wind up very very dead, I'm warning you. Just cast TrapHolyLight, then terminate with extreme
prejudice. This is one fight you
cannot afford to fuck around on. He has this pattern with his spells: AntiBlack, StrongMinded,
WeakMinded, HolyDragSwd, MeteorShower, HolyLight. So now you know.
After the fight... er... I thought he said that the Dead Sea was a future that was eliminated? Bah. More talk about Lavos, and about Crono
and co. (if you've played CT, then you know what the heck he's talking about). More talk from the ghostly Crono-crew, and from Miguel,
stuff about the Frozen Flame, and then... you hear FATE's voice: "I love you so much... That is why I sometimes desire to smash you to bits!!!"
Whelp... there goes Miguel... and there goes the Dead Sea! It seems like you won't make it, but the Sky Dragon (yeah, remember him? From
the CG when you infiltrate Viper Manor?) somehow comes to your rescue in this supposedly-inaccessible death-trap, and deposits you on the
shores of Marbule. ... this is seriously one of the best CG's in the entire game... anyway... The Sky Dragon tells you to go to the Sea
of Eden to defeat FATE, but only after you gain the powers of the "Sleeping Dragons"... OK... get to Opassa Beach already! ^>__<^