Name: Magus/Janus
Class: Not-So-Evil-Anymore Dude
Weapon: Scythe
Family: Queen Zeal (mother, crazy), Princess Schala (sister, MIA)
Sidenotes: Magus used to be one of the bad guys, supposedly. He was against Crono and the others because he wanted to be the one
to defeat Lavos. Lavos corrupted his mother and sent his sister Schala off to Shinigami only knows where, and Magus wanted revenge. He
eventually joined up with Crono and his crew, despite the fact that he and Frog pretty much hated eachother's guts (Magus is the one who
turned Frog into a, well... frog).
Frog says: RIBBIT-eth! >_<;;
Magus lives in the year 600 AD but may have come from some other era. Magus is bent on destruction for reasons yet unknown. A master of Shadow magic,
Magus is a dark force to be reckoned with.