Kingdom Hearts II
The Heartless are back again, except they've been revamped. Heartless version 2.0, apparently. Not only that, but they've brought reinforcements in the
form of the Nobodies, the hooded Organization, and DiZ, a powerful villain in red bandages. And it seems Ansem is back as well! Despite this, the good
guys also have some new people on their side: King Mickey shows up, weilding his golden Keyblade, and there also seems to be another Keyblade Master,
weilding both the Oblivion and Oathkeeper Keyblades at the same time.
Join Sora and his friends on the continuation of their epic quest. Enter with me into the Disney worlds and meet new friends and allies and all new villains.
Don't worry as you step into the darkness; you're never alone when you remember the light.
The Story of Nobody
A New Awakening, and a New Beginning
Beast's Castle
Olympic Coliseum
House of Mouse
Arr, There be Pirates!
Arabian Nights
This is Halloween
Pride Lands

Kingdom Hearts II and all related images are copyright
, all rights reserved.