Tech Skills
 Moon Tiara Action |
 Moon Healing Escalation |
 Moon Spiral Heart Attack |
Rainbow Moon Heartache (transformation menu) (multiple) |
 Shabon Spray |
 Shabon Spray Freezing |
 Shine Aqua Illusion |
 Mercury Aqua Mirage (multiple) |
 Fire Soul |
 Fire Soul Bird (multiple) |
 Burning Mandala (multiple) |
 Mars Snake Fire |
 Supreme Thunder |
Thunder Dragon |
 Sparkling Wide Pressure |
Jupiter Coconut Cyclone (multiple) |
 Crescent Beam |
 Crescent Beam Shower (multiple) |
 Venus Love-Me Chain |
 Venus Wink Sword |
Pink Sugar Heart Attack |
Pink Sugar Heart Ache (transformation menu) |
Dead Scream |
Chronos Cyclone |
Time Stop |
World Shaking (multiple) |
Space Sword Blaster |
Deep Submerge (multiple) |
Submarine Reflection (multiple) |
 Death Reborn/Ribbon Revolution (multiple) |
To create link techs, press Start (or Enter, in ZSNES) outside of the battle menu, then use the arrow keys to choose a senshi (on the left
side of the screen) (first picture), accept with the B (or X, in ZSNES) button, use the arrow keys to place the senshi (on the right side
of the screen) (second and third picture), then press Y (or A) to create the link tech (fourth picture). Pressing S when the arrow is
over the senshi allows you to view that senshi's profile.
Sailor Moon/Chibi Moon - Healing Heart Attack (miracle resurrect)
Super Sailor Moon/Super Chibi Moon - Rainbow Double Moon Heartache
Sailor Moon/Mercury - Healing Spray (protection of status)
Sailor Moon/Mars - Spiral Fire (for blazing damage, multiple enemies)
Sailor Moon/Jupiter - Healing Pressure (restore HP, all allies)
Sailor Moon/Venus - Healing Shower (attack up, all allies)
Sailor Moon/Saturn - Spiral Revolution (resurrect)
Sailor Moon/Pluto - Spiral Scream (a tornado heart, multiple)
Sailor Moon/Neptune - Spiral Reflection (a mirror's reflection)
Sailor Moon/Uranus - Spiral Shaking (attack with Uranus, multiple)
Chibi Moon/Mercury - Pink Sugar Illusion (revive, all allies)
Chibi Moon/Uranus - Pink Sugar Blaster (Chibi-Moon and Uranus!)
Chibi Moon/Mars - Pink Sugar Soul (flames and pink light, multiple)
Chibi Moon/Jupiter - Pink Sugar Thunder (lightning and Chibi-Moon)
Chibi Moon/Venus - Pink Sugar Chain (two hearts link)
Chibi Moon/Saturn - Pink Sugar Revolution (restore, all allies)
Chibi Moon/Pluto - Pink Sugar Typhoon (Pluto and Chibi-Moon, multiple)
Chibi Moon/Neptune - Pink Sugar Reflection (talisman and Chibi-Moon)
Mercury/Neptune - Shine Submerge (twice as much water, multiple)
Mercury/Mars - Shine Soul (water and fire cancel)
Mercury/Jupiter - Shabon Thunder (electrified water)
Mercury/Venus - Shabon Chain (a chain of water)
Mercury/Pluto - Shabon Scream (possible, but hard..., multiple)
Mars/Pluto - Fire Scream (it's very mysterious...)
Mars/Jupiter - Fire Dragon (electrical dragon)
Mars/Venus - LoveMe Bird (fire bird of light, multiple)
Venus/Saturn - Crescent Revolution (Saturn and Venus link, multiple)
Venus/Jupiter - Crescent Thunder (lightning and moon link)
Jupiter/Uranus - Thunder Shaking (lightning and earthquake)
Neptune/Pluto - Deep Scream (sea, time, and space flow, multiple)
Neptune/Uranus - Deep Shaking (this one is obvious...)
Pluto/Uranus - Dead Shaking (earthquake and tempest, multiple)
Moon/Mars/Mercury - Stardust Stream Hit (3 attacks at once)
Moon/Venus/Chibi Moon - Rainbow Heart Shower (restore, all allies)
Moon/Chibi Moon/Saturn - Rainbow Heart Revolution (a colourful restoration, all allies)
Mars/Jupiter/Uranus - FireThunderShaking (3 attacks! An old man?, multiple)
Pluto/Uranus/Neptune - Dead World Submerge (an ultimate link attack, multiple)
Moon/Mars/Mercury/Jupiter/Venus - Sailor Planet Attack
All: Sailor Cluster Attack (must be in Cluster formation)
All: Sailor Shoot Attack (Shoot formation)
All: Sailor Arrow Attack (Arrow formation)
All: Sailor Victory Attack (Victory formation)