Combo Codes
You need the Combo Command item from Aegis' Workshop (bought for 5,000,000 g) in order to use these combos. The Combo Command will allow you to use any
of Cless' techs in the same battle as long as you know the combination for it. It does NOT, however, allow you to do combo techs (i.e., a tech that requires
you having mastered two other techs in order to use it, like Psion Kick) despite the name of the item. All of the combo commands are located in the future.
Also, "attack" in the commands below means the tech button, not the regular attack button, and having this thing equipped also removes your ability to do any
techs in your equipped techs slots, so if you want Cless to do any techs while you've got this item equipped, you're gonna need the code for it or just
resort to hitting things with your sword til they die. ^<__<^;;
Down, down-left, left, attack -> Dual Kick, Ten gives you this one.
Right, left, right, attack -> Magma Rift, Ten gives you this one.
Clockwise from right to left, right, up, down, attack -> Soul Wave, Ten gives you this one.
Up-left, down-right, up-left, right, attack -> Lionheart, Ten gives you this one.
Left, right, up-right, down-left, attack -> Phoenix, bottom-left practising swordsman inside Miguel's training academy.
Right, down, down-right, attack -> Tiger Teeth, guard in waiting room of Euclid castle.
Up-right, right, down-right, attack -> Psion Bolt, second little blonde girl (from the left) staring out the window on the top floor of Euclid castle.
Up-right, down-left, down, down-right, attack -> Lightning Bolt, wandering man in Venezzia's grocery store.
For a fiery sword, swing counterclockwise from down to up-right -> Firebrand, little boy on first floor of Edward's house.
Up, left, right, attack -> Fury Slash, wandering guard, first floor of Alvanista castle.
Wing clockwise from right to left, right, left, right, attack -> Teleport, green-haired swordswoman in north oasis.
Down-right, down, down-left, up, attack -> Gale Shield, man in the back of the inn in Olive Village.
Down-left, down, down-right, up, attack -> Eir's Love, wandering man in Freezekill's weapon shop.
Up, up, attack -> Focus, mumbling old man in the back of the weapons' shop in Ary.
Down, down, attack -> Focus More, mumbling old man in the back of the weapons' shop in Ary.
Swing clockwise from right to left, right, down, up, attack -> Soul Edge, pink-haired girl (Rie) at the bottom right of Japon.