*Note: if you want the music off, just press the pause button

The game opens in the midst of a battle. Four unknown warriors are fighting against some powerful enemy. One party member is already knocked out, and
another one soon gets knocked into the red. A different party member is murmuring an incantation, then suddenly... [BOOM] the bad guy is defeated. They
then proceed to seal him up for good... or do they?

Ten years later, Cless walks into his father's training room. Miguel wants to talk to Cless about the pendant that he's given him for his birthday, but
Chester comes along. The boys are going hunting. When you leave the house, Cless' mother Maria comes out and gives you two apple gummies. Go to the store
and talk to the shop owner to get an apple for Amy, Chester's sister. Go back and give it to her. The little blonde girl running around near the store
(Kimmy) says that she's going to marry you... *blinks* Alrighty then. Enter the Inn and the lady'll pay you 10 gauld (yes, DeJap's translation is wrong,
it's gauld, not gold. Don't make me scan in the menu from the PSX version!) to move the bush baby carving into the hallway. Try to leave town and Tristan
stops you. Leave town.
In the fields to the north wander around and level up, but don't stray too far. You can heal for free in Cless' house. Something to keep in mind while
playing this game: Beware things that skitter, like the wolves. After Cless gains a level he learns his first tech, Psion Bolt. Use it! Keep using it until
you master it. By the way, you have to equip techs, so go into your menu, hit Skills, Cless, and equip Psion Bolt in your first Long Range slot (LR). I'm
insisting you use it until you master it (check the status of the skill in your Skills menu) because certain skills in the game require that Cless have
mastered other previous skills. At level 5, Cless learns Dual Kick (short range). Master that, as well. (*Note: Chester doesn't
have any skills. He can't use magic, either... *bops Chester on the head* Chester: x_X )
Once you're around lv 4 you can start exploring. To the southwest is a locked house. In the house's yard to the left of the tree is a Heavy Stone, hidden
by the tree branches. East of that house is a cave. Fight off the skeleton in the back for a Mixed Gummy, and some nice EXP. The door in the back is also
locked. To the northeast of Totus is the Cave of Spirits. You can go in here and fight some baddies. These guys give pretty good EXP, just make sure
you're around level 5, cause they also do a lot of damage. The door to the back is closed for now, so there isn't really anything else to see here.
Farther north is the mountain pass. We'll come back here later, so just head left (in the pass) for now. Go north to the town there. Near the middle of
town is a guy selling items. You can buy upgraded weapons here if you've got enough gauld, although a new weapon for Cless specifically isn't really
recommended at the moment, or a new shield. You'll see why on the next page. After mastering the tech skills you've acquired, heal and enter the woods south
of Totus.
Afterwards, you rejoice in your kill, until you hear the town's alarm bell going off. Run! Run! Run! (hey, look! You can actually run this time!)

The town is in ruins and everyone's dead. And there's absolutely nothing you could've done to save any of them. Hurray, futility. Outside your house,
you find your father's body. Maria stumbles out of the house and, after imparting some important information regarding your pendant and the invaders, she
wastes away in your arms...
The scene cuts to Cless in Chester's house, where Chester is kneeling beside the body of his younger sister Ami. As he is leaving, Cless has a sudden
revelation about Maria's words. Enter Cless' house and go to the top floor, then enter the rightmost room and grab the Knight's Saber. Equip it, then
leave Totus. Head north to the mountain gap. |
Move the statue out of the way and buy stuff from the merchant if you need to. If you want the easy route, go left, then once back on the world map go
north and and I'll meetya in Euclid (skip down to the Euclid section).
Now, for you more greedy types (and more courageous, of course!), your reward is... levels and treasure! MUAHAHAHAHA! (screw that idiotic idium, "and the
meek shall inherit the earth." We shall TRIUMPH!) ... *ahem* ANYWAY! Go north from the merchant. The enemy-encounter rate is REALLY high here, by the way.
Just follow the path. At the top you'll find a Life Bottle and an Orange Gummy. Exit left. On the world map head north to the town. If by chance you
happened to get to level 9 while you were traipsing about the countryside, use up your TP towards learning Lightning Bolt before entering the town (although
you really shouldn't be at that level yet *sweatdrop*)

Right and up is the Items Shop. Buy gummies and a couple of Remedy Bottles, and whatever else you need. North of that is the Weapons shop. The weapons
girl is asleep... Go ahead and wake her up if you wish, although again I REALLY don't recommend buying a new weapon or shield for Cless until after
the next page, especially since nothing here even remotely matches the power of the Knight's Saber. Buy some armor if you wish, but DEFINATELY buy the Jet
Boots, and equip them! Now you can actually run around in towns and such (but not on the world map, unfortunately). Buy a Rod (don't give me that look, I
have my reasons) from the merchant near the juggling clown if the weapons girl didn't have one (which I'm pretty sure she doesn't). North of that guy is
the house you need to enter.
Enter, and Uncle Olsen and Aunt Joan welcome you in. Talk to Uncle Olsen again and answer Yes to rest (I don't care if you're not tired!). During the
night you get a rather rude awakening. Boy, talk about it not being your day... First, your parents are murdered, and now your own uncle turns you
over to these psychos! You are led out while being poked in the rear with a spear... hey, that rhymes! ^>__>^;;
The scene switches to Chester, who's finished burying the townsfolk. He hears horses in the distance, and plots his revenge...
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places