Go north through the mountain gap and through Harmel to reach Venezzia. Take the rightmost ship back to Alvanista. Head east and south from the town,
then east some more, then north to reach the Gallery.

You might want to un-equip those mantles now, if you haven't already. By the way, this place is a MESS! And, yes, you can actually hit the lil dudes here
with any attack and it'll work. Yay!

Map. Go left and up from the entrance to get an Orange Gummy and flip the switch on the back wall. Go all the way to the right,
through the door and down the stairs.

Map. Hit the ! button on the floor on the right to open the door. At the top of this next area is a sign, and behind it is a
Lavender in a chest. Go left, grab the statue and pull it down and onto the empty switch. Enter the room south of you to get a Protect Ring, a Steak, and
2,000g. Hit the switch on the wall, then go back up and all the way right. Go down the stairs.

Map. Go right a little and hit the ON button. You'll start flying, but this doesn't wear off in here, unlike in the Mausoleum.
Go down, left, and up, but don't pass over the OFF button you saw when you got down here. Go through the door and step on the other OFF button to the
north. Go right to the door, and hit the left ! button. Go through the door and head right. Move the statue off the button, then head south, right,
south again, and down the stairs.

Map. Geeze, how many freaking floors ARE there?? ... don't ask, ya don't wanna know... *SIGH* Anyway! Head left. The third
torch isn't lit. Inspect it a couple of times to pull it. A passageway opens up in the wall. Go inside to find two doors. Enter the one on the right.
Some weirdo lady's walkin around in there. Time it so that you step on one switch as soon as she steps on the other. You get a Rune Bottle ^~__~^
Go back and hit the left ! button to enter the other door (*wonders vaguely how that lady got there in the first place...* aaand, of course, she's now locked
inside. ^>__>^). Head left past the sign, and step on the buttons in this order: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right.
Go back to the last screen. The door next to the staircase (that you can't get to) is now open. Step on the button, and pull the lever. The door above
you now opens. This is a shortcut back to Floor I. Use the SP if you wish, then go back to the room with the switches. Push the statue through the
now-open door and onto the ? button. The door south of you opens. Go through.

Map. Mommy! It's dark! *SMACK*! Ah, quit yer whining.
Equip the Sorcerer's Ring (what, that tacky-looking thing again? Yes, that tacky-looking thing again) and head right until you hit a wall, basically.
Ignore the lady, go north and a bit right, and hit the left ! button to open the door. Go through and use the Ring on the target. Go back out the door
and left, leeeft, and down through a door and down the stairs.

Map. Aggghh... make the madness sttooppp... Enter through the door, into more darkness. You might want to equip some Heavy
Stones on people (not Arche though, since the Tractor Beam Spell doesn't work on her... I mean, come on, people, she's riding a freaking
Tread carefully to avoid the spikes, cause they'll deplete your HP (not good!). Go up, right, down, and right. In this next area go through the door.
Move the rightmost statue out of the way then pull the lever behind it. Go through the passage that just opened up below you. Grab the Lemon Gummy, then
go back and put the statue back where it was (the round thing teleports you to a niche where you're surrounded by spikes, i.e., bad). Leave the room via
the south exit and keep heading south. Thread your way through the spikes there, and go down the stairs.

Map. Use the SP, then use the Ring on the unlighted torch. Use the teleporter. In this room, go right, up and around to open
the chest from the back (you'll see what going the other way would've done in a minute). You get another Lemon Gummy. Walk forward. Hey, look, we're
back here again! Anyway, use the teleporter again, repeat the process to get a Yellow Cake (go right,
down and around this time), do it again to get
a Mystic Broom for Arche (go up, blah blah, you know how it works by now). Back in the first room, save, then use the teleporter again.
In this next area, use the Ring to light all the candles to open a door in the back. Go north, then keep following the path til the end of eternity. Use
the Pick on the wall (and if you sold it, well... did I tell you you could sell yer Pick? No! But anyway, if you DID sell it, just go back to
Alvanista to buy another one (remember, you've got that short-cut from Floor IV to Floor I now)). Anyway, use the Ring on the candles, then go through
the door you just opened to the south.

...Zzzz...Zzzz...Zzzz... eh, huh, wha? More floors? *blink blink* Dammit.
Map. DON'T light the candles this time, but DO check the candle-stand for a switch. And use it. Go through the door. Hit the
switch right in front of you, then go back. Step on the ON button to start flying then go north, right a bit, and south to get another Yellow Cake. Go
back to the spikes, keep heading right, then down, then use the OFF button, and continue south.
In this next area, go down the stairs to get an Apple Gummy and a Rune Bottle. Go back upstairs and head left, then down the stairs and right. Go through
the door.

Map. More than likely, there won't be fire coming out of the holes here, so don't bother with the lever right now. Go right
over the holes and north. Step on the ! button to open the door. Go left and flip the switch to open the shortcut to Floor IV. Go back and north, then
head right. Follow the path, then hit the ! button and go back to the entrance of this floor. See, this seems to be the only glitch in the game. The
stupid fire's always off when you enter, but ON when you come back!! *sigh* Whatever. And no, they wouldn't've been off even if you'd hit that lever at
the beginning, I tried it already. Alright, well, what works for me is going to the very bottom of the screen, equipping Jet Boots, then running along the
bottom of the screen. I usually don't even get hit doing it this way. Go through the door and down the stairs.

Grab the Turquoise Ring from the chest, use the SP, then hit the two levers. Use the right teleporter and read the tablet. Or, Arche'll read the tablet,
whatever. This gives you a clue for later. Use the teleporter to go back, then use the left teleporter.
You gain control of Klarth. You're supposed to summon each elemental on the right pedestals. Not only did the tablet give you a clue but the signs here
practically scream where to go. But hey, I'm here too! *jumps up and down waving arms* ^~__~^ OK!

"...the Fire of life is at the births to come..."
Fire, Ifrit, North |

"...the Tears of a mourning woman are on your left..."
Water, Undine, West |

"...and the Wind blows forth from your right..."
Air, Sylphs, East |

"Death is always at your back, for all return to the Earth from which they came..."
Earth, Gnome, South |
A voice tells you to return to the obelisk (the tablet-thingy). Step on the teleporter and use the right one. You might want to save again. Switch the
Heavy Stones for something more... useful? (hint hint: give Klarth the Turquoise Ring) Make sure everyone's skills are on automatic for this next fight.
Boss: Maxwell, Lord of the Earthly Elementals
HP: 7,500
TP: 400
Attacks: Molecular Attack, Thunder Blade
Just keep hitting him! This is a pretty tough fight, and his Molecular Attack is hell. Plus, he heals himself for nearly 1000HP!! ^O__O^ Watch Mint's HP
VERY carefully, because she tends to get hit the most and hardest. Have her cast Nurse after every Molecular Attack. You also might want to have Tiger
Teeth as Cless' SR skill.
Afterwards, not only do you get to go into the treasure room, BUT Klarth gets to contract with MAXWELL! (did I forget to mention this is really REALLY
AWESOME?) *ahem* OK, enough raving. Enter the door in the back. Apparently, all of the rings are broken. BUT there's still all that other stuff! There's
a ?Rod (Rune Rod for Mint), an Elixir, an Hourglass, 6,000g, a Rune Bottle, a Black Onyx (!), a Verbena, and two ?Armors (Mithril Meshes).
Step on the teleporter to leave this area, then go back upstairs to Floor IX, use the switch on the fire, go right, up, through the door, then take the
left path to get to the shortcut. Just go up the stairs... and up... and up... and up... and up... and... ugh, nose-bleed ^x__x^;; On the first floor,
go right a bit, then down... and you're done!
Edward, and Several People Who Aren't
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince
The Clay Golem, Gnome