Well, the game seems to have assumed you had the Gungir equipped, so re-equip Cless with the Mecha-Halberd or whatever it was you were using earlier.
Leave the Castle and head north into the Plains.
Map here. If you use the map, follow the cyan (greenish-blue)-coloured line. If not, go north, north, east, east, south,
north, east, and north. Talk to the dude there, and he'll teach you Earth's Rage for 50,000g. Now go east, east, north, north, south, north, north, north,
south, east, east, north, east, and east again. *whew* OK, go north.
*Tip: If you get a ?Weapon while fighting the Draygens, it might be a Moon Falux (good for fighting Dhaos!!) (P.S.: This weapon
does NOT work on the Druids!)
Map here. Alright, head right and up in this area, and enter the door. Check the weapons stand in the back for a ?Weapon
(Slayer Sword), a Mecha-Halberd, and a Halberd. Go back to the first room and go up onto the platform. Go through the door and check the statue for a
Mystical Rune. Take the first door to find an Aqua Mantle and a Flame Mantle (go right for that). Go back the way you came and return to the first room.
Go east and check the flowerpot for a Savory and a Sage. Go east from there and north to hit the switch and open the door. The chest contains a book with
Fire Storm for Arche. Outside, go west and check both weapons racks for another Halberd and Mecha-Halberd. Go south from there and right. Follow the path
to step on the switch again, and go through the door to the left of where you found the Mecha-Halberd. Climb the stairs and enter the door in front of you.
Map of floor II. Step on the switches in this order: Up, Down, Right, Left, Down, Up. Go back outside and enter the other
door. Continue north, then right. Pass the mirrors, and ignore the one with the weird reflection for now. Continue on up the stairs and, on this level
map of floor III), go up the stairs in the back.
Map of floor IV. The left room contains
an Orange Gummy and a Life Bottle, and the right room has an Apple Gummy and a Rune Rod. In the back is another Apple Gummy. Go back, and go through the
middle door. The left door has a Life Bottle, an Orange Gummy, and an Apple Gummy. Enter the door on the right to keep going.

MAAAN! I *HATE* THIS PART!! OK, read the sign in the back, and then you and Arche have to step on the damned switches at
the same damned time. Argh. *wanders off to get Tostitos and salsa* Trust me, we'll be here awhile.
Alright! *hums "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" to herself..." What? Go on! Step on the switches! What? Don't give me that look! I can't help you here!
Sheesh. Blame Arche if it takes you fifteen gazillion million tries, not me. OK, OK, here's a tip! Sheesh. Get into place in front of the first switch
(bottom of the screen) as soon as she starts counting. And you gotta step on the switches at the same time OR directly after Arche. Stepping on them
before she does won't count. (by the way, you HAVE to do this...) In later versions of the game, if you screw up too many times Klarth gets pissed off
and does it himself, but unfortunately that doesn't happen in this version.
WHOOHOO! Only four tries this time! (as opposed to about 23 the last time... grrr...). Go through the door! Shoo shoo shoo!
Map of floor V and VI. Use the SP and head up the stairs. Enter the south door for a Protect Ring and a Rune Bottle. Go
back and enter the other door to move on. Here, the south door has a Steak, the door in front of that has a Battle Rune, and the other door is to move on.
Go up the stairs here, and grab the statue to the south that looks like... Demitel?! *shrug* Heheh... shove it down the hole! And hear it hit the floor
with a VERY satisfying *THUD*. :oD Go back downstairs and push the statue onto the switch to open the door. In the next room, step on the switch a couple
of times to trigger a discussion. You'll have to leave somebody behind now. Who will it be?
Go up the stairs, left, left, and up the stairs.
Map of floor VII. Head through the north
door. If you have the Moon Falux, equip it, and use Luna/Indignation a lot.
Boss: EvilLord, Draygen (2)
HP: EvilLord: 10,500, Draygen: 2,000
TP: EvilLord: 60, Draygen: 5
Attacks: HellGem
Weakness: Light
Use Luna or Ray a lot, depending on who you brought with you. Kill the Evil Lord! The Draygen's'll disappear with one Luna summoning. If you left Klarth
behind, then turn around and get the Draygen on the left while Arche casts Ray on the EvilLord. This isn't a hard fight either way.
Grab the Magic Mirror out of the chest, then go back and get your other party member: from this room, south, south, (
map of
floor V-VI)down the stairs and right, right, through the first door, down the stairs, and, hello! Why, no one, you silly silly person you!
Alright, now we have to find all of those mirrors with the weird reflections again. Keep going south until you find the area with the column right smack
dab in the middle.
Map of floor IV and
map of floor III, if you need them.
Inspect the mirror to the left of the column, battle the dude as usual, and get transported to... A ROOM FILLED WITH GOODIES!! A Lavender, 10,000g, an
Hourglass, an Elixir, and a White Mist! Whoohooeth! (now, where are those other mirrors??) :oDDD
Well, there's another one to your right. Go git em! ^~__~^ The book of Spells inside the chest is Distortion for Arche. Go back, and go south from the
Map of floor II. The first mirror on your left is the one you passed earlier. In this new area, go left and throw both
switches on the dragon statues to make a chest with a Mental Ring appear. The other chests are a Magical Broom, a Rune Bottle, and an Armlet. Go down and
right for the exit. Continue south, and enter the door on the left. Hit the switches in this order: Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Up. Go back outside and
get the Gold Key out of the chest. You can leave now and rest if you'd like, If you're not going to, then skip the next paragraph, but it's your loss man.
Remember, Lyzen told the Inn guy you can stay there for free.
Enter the right door, go north, use the mirror, go left, south, south, down the stairs, (
map of floor I) right and south,
left, and south. To get through the Valhalla Plains, use this
map and follow the red line backwards, or go west, south,
south, south, east, south, west, south, south, west, northwest, south, southwest, northwest, south, west, and west. Gah. Now, do that backwards (or go
back to the
last page) to get back to Dhaos' Castle! (yeesh) By the way, if you have any Slayer Swords and extra Moon
Faluxes (i.e., more than one Moon Falux), SELL EM! OK, we have to get back to the "leave-a-party-member" switch on floor five...
map of floor I,
map of floor II. Go right and right, step on the switch, go left and south,
step on the damn switch again, and enter the other door. Climb the stairs and enter the left door. Go north.
Go right, then up the stairs ( map of floor III). Go up the stairs in the back and enter the door in front of you
( map of floor IV), then the door on the right. Exit through the back and save, then go up the stairs
( map of floor V-VII). Enter the north door, and keep going straight through the next two doors in front of you. OK, we're
here! Now... leave Arche here and go through the door and up the stairs. ... yes, Arche. Trust me. Exit the door, and take the door to your right (use
the Gold Key). Go near the hole, and Arche now flies up to meet you (this is why you left her behind :op ). Grab the Charm Bottle out of the chest, then
go back outside and go left. Take the south passage, then turn left. Use the Gold Key on the door to get three Dragon Steaks and a Silver Cape. Go back
to the last area and head left. Go up the stairs ( map of floor VII), then right and down through the door. Take the right
door and inspect the door in front of you. Use the SP, and go through the door. Fight the EvilLord again. You can go back and save if you want, but you'll
have to do the door thing again. Oh well. Go through the other door! After some mitigation... |
Boss: DHAOS!!, EvilLord (2)
HP: Dhaos: 49,900, EvilLord: 10,500
TP: Dhaos: 1,000, EvilLord: 60
Attacks: HellGem, Fire Storm, God Breath, Tetra-Assault, Dhaos Laser, Dhaos Corridor
Weakness: Light
Have the Moon Falux equipped, if you've got one. In the Formation menu, put Arche at the very back, then move Klarth/Mint back so that Arche's hovering
over that person's head, then move Mint/Klarth back in front of the last person you moved. Move Cless to the very very front, that way he takes all the
damage, and HellGem won't interrupt the spell-casting going on in the back there. Dhaos won't attack you while the EvilLords are still around, so have
Klarth use Luna on Dhaos and Arche use Indignation on him while Cless does normal attacks with the Moon Falux. It's not going to be quick, but it's not
awfully hard either. Use Indignation on Dhaos when the EvilLords are gone, and have Cless do Mecha Blade.
Woohoo! Wait, he what?? He ran away?!?!?? Argh!
Of Unicorns, Dreams, and Trees
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince
The Clay Golem, Gnome
The Moria Gallery
Edward, and Several People Who Aren't
Ymir Forest, and Fun Things to do With Ropes
The Bug in the Moon
Valhalla, Valkyerie, and Victory