Take the left boat in Venezzia, and choose 3 (The Abyss of Thor). ... funny how Abyss of Thor is actually an option. ^>__>^ Heh. Looks like we're going
swimming. Ack! Oh, please don't drown us in the proce... *blub*
Enter the building to the north and inspect the glowing thingy on the counter. Choose Yes. Leave the building, and head south, down the stairs, then east
to an SP. Inspect the door to the north to use the card. Go through the door. Indignation takes pretty good care of the enemies in this area. So do
Maxwell and Luna. Having the mithril armour equipped results in 0 damage from Photon Beam for whatever party member is wearing it. I suggest having Mint
and Arche wear the mythril armour and have Klarth equipped with the Moonstone Ring, since it also shields the wearer from light. Follow the path. In this
area, fight off the EvilVines. You might want to have a Body Amulet equipped for them though. Ergh. All the chests are empty! ... except for one of them.
Grab the Skeleton Key. OK, here it gets annoying again. Find the door that the key works on (it's random). Be careful, one of the doors leads to a boss
Boss: 2SH (2), 4400R (3)
HP: 2SH: 18,600, 4400R: 4,400
TP: 0
Attacks: Tek-Missile, Photon Beam
Weakness: Thunder, Fire (2SH)
Eeep! Squeeze in Maxwell or Luna whenever you can, and use Indignation on the 2SH's.
They leave the Diamond Ring on the ground. Each time you go through the door, ya gotta go back and find the Skeleton Key again, at least until you find
the door with the God Breath spell for Arche and the boss battle (one door leads back outside!) ^@__@^;; *Tip: Often, the door
directly north of where you find the Skeleton Key is the door to move on to the boss battle I mentioned earlier, but not always.
After the battle, go north to find some weird machine. Choose 2, then choose 1, and Yes. Whoo! The Lost City of Atlantis Thor re-surfaces! Go back
and save, then inspect OZ again and choose 1.
Hey, we're back! And there's the welcoming party...
Boss: Dhaos
HP: 16,250/65,000
TP: 1,000
Attacks: Explode, Tetra-Assault, Dhaos Laser, Dhaos Corridor
Yeah, high HP, but he starts off with most of it gone. Who knows why. Maybe rotting for millenia on end (OK, so it was only a decade) in a mausoleum
leaves you more than 3/4ths dead... :op *still thinks it's funny how he turns green every single time you hit him with something* OK! Hopefully you've still
got the Moon Falux equipped? Just alternate Luna and Indignation as usual (I have them off automatic, so I have one running while I punch in instructions
for the other one)
Yay! We beat him! Again! And the Mausoleum collapses! Yay! ... no, wait, that's bad, right? Haha, Dhaos got squashed like a bug. ^~__~^ Whoa, buddy!
To quote Monty Python: RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!
Tristan says: Cless, Tornix! What's happening? And who are all these other people?
Haha. *watches everybody run away as Tristan wanders off slowly, hobbling along quite calmly on his cane, as the whole Mausoleum falls down around his
Awww, mushy-sappy-wappy ending... yeah, look over there! (!!!) ACK. IT'S A BIG-ASS ROCK! AUGH! RUN AWAY! RUN AWAAAY! ... OK, several rather large
Ehrm... what in the name of Hades and Hellfire was that? And who in the name of Eternia are you?? *points* |
Time Travel Makes Me Queasy...
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince
The Clay Golem, Gnome
The Moria Gallery
Edward, and Several People Who Aren't
Ymir Forest, and Fun Things to do With Ropes
The Bug in the Moon
Valhalla, Valkyerie, and Victory
That Guy From Before
Of Unicorns, Dreams, and Trees