Return to Ymir Forest. If you don't know how to get to the Elven Village by now... *shakes head* Fine...
happy now?? *sigh*
When you get there, talk to the dude in the weapons shop. ... c'mon, it's only 22,000g! You have plenty of cash! Don't be a heartless bastard. ^-__-^;;
Well, you heard him, go stay at the inn... the Innkeeper also gives you the Star Broom for Arche. The next morning, pick up the Elven Bow, then enter the

Go north, north, north, east, north, north-east, east, east, south, south, south-east, east, save, then go north.
Boss: Seraphim, Origin
HP: Origin: 45,000, Seraphim: 12,700
TP: Origin: 1,000, Seraphim: 300
Attacks: Barrier, God Breath, Indignation, Forge of the Cosmos
Recommended level: 60
Anybody else notice Origin called the Flamberge the "Firebrand"?? Heh, darned DeJap people and their silly translations. Turn off Shadow, Aska, and Luna.
Give Mint a Mystical Rune, because Origin will cast Indignation, which HURTS! The Soul techniques work really well against Seraphim. Volt also works quite
nicely. Seraphim should be gone in no time, then just keep hitting Origin with Soul Edge and Volt. Be careful, though. If he hits you, pull back, cause
his Forge of the Cosmos will HURT, and also the updraft of Soul Wave heals him for almost as much as the waves take off...
After the battle you get the Eternal Sword, and Klarth contracts with Origin. You end up back in Alvanista. Runeglom congratulates
you, and tells you to head to Ary. Stay at the Inn, at Klarth's suggestion, for a scene. Try to leave the room afterwards for another one. Mint
can now equip the Mana Earring (works like the Diamond Ring, i.e., it raises all stats). By the way, if you had the Vorpal or the Flamberge equipped
before Origin did his thing with the Eternal Sword, Cless no longer has a weapon equipped, so equip him with something, k? I do not recommend
trying to punch your way through the rest of this game. |
Enter the cave left of Ary, go up the stairs, and follow the path north for another scene. Enter the castle, and talk to the Dark Eye...
Boss: Dark Eye
HP: 56,600
TP: 100
Attacks: Tidal Wave, Resurrection
Recommended level: 60
Arche is completely USELESS in this fight. I suggest you go with Chester, and use the ?Bow (Soulstealer) you got from the fight with Origin. Use any of
Cless' new techs and Origin a lot. What else can I say? This guy's tough.
Enter the door to the north to get a Holy Bottle and a Sage. Go back, then go north and into the first door you see for a Star Shield. Go back and
continue north. Flick the switch, and go back to the entrance. Go right this time, north through the door, and up the stairs. Go north and enter the
door in front of you, then the next door to get the Meteor Storm spell for Arche. Now, go south out of this room, right and south for a ?Armor (Star
Cloak) and a Rune Bottle. Now, go left and north, then down the stairs and back to the entrance, and leave, cause we've got a lot of other stuff to do.
The sidequests are linked below. If you just want to finish the game without all the cool stuff from the sidequests, then click on "The Finale." Otherwise,
choose your sidequest. The order in which they're listed is the order I usually do them in.
[Graham's Treasure Hunt] [Ninja Village, Watch Out For the Traps]
[Moria Gallery, the Return] [The Coliseum and More Ninja]
[The Finale]
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince
The Clay Golem, Gnome
The Moria Gallery
Edward, and Several People Who Aren't
Ymir Forest, and Fun Things to do With Ropes
The Bug in the Moon
Valhalla, Valkyerie, and Victory
That Guy From Before
Of Unicorns, Dreams, and Trees
Atlantis, or The Abyss of Thor
Time Travel Makes Me Queasy
Odin's Tower