Return to Freezekill and enter the bar. Talk to the guy all the way on the left and choose Yes. Yay, treasure hunt! Talk to him again for this information:
With Fenrir at your left, and Odin at your back... There, the true treasure can be found. Two in North Euclid, one in the Long Valley, four in South Euclid
(two on islands), two in Ary, one in Fenrir, three in West Ymir, two in Northeast Alvanista, one in East Freland, one in West Freland, one in East Midgard,
four in North Midgard, for a grand total of 22 places. Woo!
The first one is southwest of Freezekill, on the same continent. Just fly around a bit til you see a "beach" (in other words, it's not covered with snow).
I think there are two places like that, just keep looking til you find it. In the water are a Hyper Gauntlet, a Mental Ring, and a Whale Meat.
Picture here
Head back to Ary and check the fields around there (the green patches). One contains a Whale Meat and a Resist Ring, while the other has a Blue Candle and
a Sefira (both right next to eachother at the top-right).
Picture here and
On an island north of Freland there's a Whale Meat, a Jade Ring, and a Soup Pot.
Picture here
East of that is an island with a small "mountain range" on it. There's a Whale Meat, two Elixirs, and a Drum Set here.
On a beachy spot north of the Unicorn Forest is an Elixir, a Gold Helm, and an S-Flag.
In the snowy part to the right of that are a Namco Gamer (for Klarth), a ?Weapon (Lucky Blade), Elven Boots, and a Jade Ring (
If you're using ZSNES (the emu), then hit 1 to see the chests better)
East of that, and north of where Dhaos' castle used to be is a small island with a beach. There're three Whale Meats there.
South of that, and right of the Valhalla Plains is another beachy area. A Red Lantern, Elven Boots, a Cat's Eye, an Elixir, a ?Weapon (Duelist's Sword),
and a Red Line Shield can be found here.
West of Tornix's old house and Volt's Cavern is a beachy area with a Whale Meat, a Black Onyx, an Armlet, an Elixir, a Green Torch, and a Blue Line Shield.
North of the Cave of Spirits is a large island. There's a Dark Seal, an Elixir, and a Mental Ring here (they're behind the trees at the top).
On that same island, but on the small beachy part on the right, are a Whale Meat and a Protect Ring.
On the beach next to Bart's house is a Silver Cape.
Northwest of Bart's house is an island with a beachy area and a mountain on it. There's a Whale Meat and a Moon Crystal here.
Directly northeast of that is a small beachy area on the main continent, completely surrounded by mountains and ocean. There's a Whale Meat and a Reverse
Doll here.
West and slightly south of Edward's old house is another little house, and directly south of that is a solitary stretch of beach with a Reverse Doll in a
South and east of Ymir is a small mountain range. On the beach is a Protect Ring.
Between here and Alvanista are two beachy islands. One of them contains a Silver Mattock.
North of Alvanista is a stretch of beach, then a beachy island north of that. There's a Silver Cape, Whale Meat, and a Resist Ring here.
Going east from there, between there and the Tower of Twelve Stars, is a forest with a ?Weapon (Tidal Axe). It's in the southern-left part, in the break
between the trees (press 1 if you're using zSNES).
East of Midgard or south of Demitel's island or northeast of Odin's Tower (this is probably closest) is a beach with 9 things of Sake on it. ... Klarth's getting drunk tonight... ^.__.^
Now, for the last one. The "true treasure." Screw the directions, cause they're pretty phail. East of Ymir and southwest of the harbour to go to Freland
is a reeeeeeeeally small beachy island. There you will find Rosa's Dress: the wedding dress of Rosa who was bride to the pirate Ayflite (Graham's father).
Now, return to Graham to finish this sidequest. Whee! Aww, maybe Aflyte wasn't such a bad guy after all... he was
really a big mushy sappy wappy dude full of LUUUUUUUUUUURVE! Or something. ^<__<^;; Annnnnnnyway... next?
[Ninja Village, Watch Out For the Traps]
[Moria Gallery, the Return] [The Coliseum and More Ninja]
[The Finale]
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince
The Clay Golem, Gnome
The Moria Gallery
Edward, and Several People Who Aren't
Ymir Forest, and Fun Things to do With Ropes
The Bug in the Moon
Valhalla, Valkyerie, and Victory
That Guy From Before
Of Unicorns, Dreams, and Trees
Atlantis, or The Abyss of Thor
Time Travel Makes Me Queasy
Odin's Tower
Origin and the Eternal Sword