Use the axe on the boulders. You can always heal at Bart's house if you need to, just so you know. Follow the path. You'll soon see something like wind
going across the screen, and some pink floating things to the right. Grab the Blue Ribbon in the chest south of there first, then approach the pink
After the fight, the Sylphs explain that there are rifts in the cave. Klarth then explains that Shoki (from the realm of Magic) is driving the Sylphs
insane, and that you have to fix these holes. Apparently, the Ghasts around here can cause status effects. If during a fight with some you get green
bubbles coming off of a character, use a Remedy Bottle on them. Medicine Bottles also work but they temporarily reduce your attack power, so just use
Medicine Bottles on anyone other than Cless. Go north from there and use the Save Point if you wish. By the way, don't touch the whirlwinds in this area
(Klarth will point one out), because they knock off HP. Plus, some of them will trap you there between them for all eternity and you'll have to reload
your game from wherever you last saved. Of course, going north the Sylphs manage to throw you into a couple anyway... You can avoid that last one if you
tap the left arrow button a couple of times though. Bypass the first entrance, and get an Apple Gummy from the chest below one of the whirlwinds. Enter
the first cave entrance.
The Sylphs push you to the right. Use the SP so you don't have to start from back outside if you die. See that hole in the back? Inspect the stalagmite
(stalagtite?) to put the rope on it. Climb down. Go to the right and break down the wall. Keep going right and break down the other wall. Grab the Spy
Lens, then go down the stairs. Repeat the process on the wall then go left. Climb the rope. Go south for a Kite Shield and an Amber Cloak, then go back
inside. Hi Sylphs!
Boss: Sylphs
HP: 150/100
TP: 50/20
Attacks: Lightning
Use physicals on the first one, and you can use lightning on the other two (technically, that first Sylph should be pink... game error! :op ).
Go up the stairs. Watch this stuff here, cause the longer you're in
it, the more your HP drops, so be sure to fill yer food sack. Go right
and break down the wall. Drag the rock out and left, and dump it in
the hole. Heal, then go all the way right and down.
Nope, you can't get that chest (YET), so just inspect the stalag-whatever
and climb down the rope. Don't stray too near the Sylphs, or they'll
knock you out the door.
Ewww... look at all that Shoki. And what in the name of Eternia was that?! That, my frrren... was a HellLord. You definately don't want to meet one
of them in a dark alley at night... or down here, for that matter. If you do, walk to the end of the screen furthest from the HellLord and hold down
L or R or C or D (depends on what you're using to play this game) and it'll let you run away. You CANNOT beat him, so don't even try, unless you like being
frustrated when the most your attacks'll knock off is 3HP. Plus, he does an uber-attack on you that'll pretty much kill all your party members in one blow
(Summon Lich). Plus, beating him isn't worth the trouble at all.
If you REALLY REALLY want to try and beat him (why...??) then here's a possible strategy, one that was working quite well for me until I forgot one aspect
of it. Anyway. Have Cless and Mint at lv 17. Turn off all of Mint's abilities except Heal and First Aid. Go into Form and put Cless in front and as far
away from the others as you can, and put Mint in the back, waaay out of harm's way. During the battle, press the button for Cless' LR tech (make it
Lightning Bolt) and while he's doing that, go into Mint's menu and have her cast Delay. If it fails, keep casting it until it doesn't fail. Have Cless keep
doing Lightning Bolt and manually have Mint cast Pico Hammer to stop the HellLord from casting Summon Lich. Keep doing the Hammer/Lightning Bolt thing,
then after awhile do Delay again, and lather, rinse, repeat. For the dude's very scary HP, go
here. ... ^@__@^ OK, just so
you know, the reward for beating him is: 4 EXP?! ^>__<^ 6 G?! ^>__<^!! ... yeah, so why bother? ^>__<^
Go right from the entrance to find the first boulder. Drag it all the way down, then all the way left, then all the way up to cover the hole. Now, on to
the second boulder! Down, right as faaar as you can go in the whole cave, down, right again, and up the stairs. Hello, boulder. Move it a bit out of the
way so you can get by, break down the wall, and drag it out and left. Now you're free to explore the Shoki-free cave without falling over dead just from
walking! Grab the Talisman out of the chest to your right, then go all the way left, down, and up the stairs. Climb the rope and grab the Rune Bottle out
of the previously-unattainable chest. Go out the exit right below you and head left through where the whirlwinds were before. Grab the Charm Bottle, then
go back to where you just exited the caves. Go north up the path from there. Cross the bridges and go up to speak with the Sylphs.
She will grant you a contract, but tells you that Magic is being used up faster than it can be created so your contract will be null and void when Magic
runs out. She also tells you to visit the Tree of Life (the Tree that "spoke" to Cless at the beginning of the game) to understand more. She ALSO also
tells you that Arche was never there. You'll be happy to know that Klarth won't be a totally useless character from now on. After the first couple
of battles you might want to turn off Sylphs in Klarth's menu, cause he gets a little over-zealous whenever he gets a new Summon. (but, if you'll notice,
there aren't any more enemies out here now that you've sealed up the Shoki, so you'll have to wait for the world map to try out Sylphs).
Just keep heading south to get out of here. Bart stops you on your way out to hear your news. You can heal at Bart's if you need to. Head to Beladum
and the Forest.
The Tree of Life
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past