Return to the ship and get the captain to take you back to Venezzia. Go around and to the southern part of the Harbor. Talk to the captain there, and
you'll see what I meant about Arche... *shudder* Anyway, he turns down Arche's offer, but not Klarth's (of money, of money!! ^O__o^;; ). Answer Yes.
Onboard, you're in for a real... something "special." This part's rather funny. Anyway, Klarth and Cless get to talking about the girls. Cless is
rather shocked by what Klarth has to say. *AHEM*! ANYWAY! You meet Meia after the "male bonding." She is a swordswoman looking to get permission to enter
the Moria Gallery. Follow Meia into the cafeteria and she'll invite you to sit by her. Well, all in the name of politeness and chivalry... She buys Klarth
a beer, then proceeds to get half your party members drunk out of their minds. ^O__O^;; OK, that was... ... ... ... yeah.
During the night, there comes a knock on your bedroom door. Who could it be? A possessed Meia? Nah... *eck* Well, it seems ALL of your party members are
now incapacitated. Lucky you, you get to fight this thing aaall by yer lonesome. Use the SP, then head outside (just keep heading north til you get to
the cafeteria, then go south out the door). Chase Meia around til you catch her.
Boss: Meia
HP: 2,400
TP: 0
Attacks: physicals
This thing scampers around like there's no tomorrow... well, you know what they say: when in Rome fight fire with fire and all that jazz. Keep using Tiger
Teeth, and this annoying fight will be over after awhile.
There is another way to beat her, if you don't wanna use up your TP/Orange Gummies. Just keep pressing forward on the control pad and X, and don't stop.
Ever. I did it without her even taking off any HP! (and this time around I was only at level 17! Heh) Yeah, this is what I meant by "fight fire with fire"
(or in this case, fight rampant scampering with rampant scampering).
After the fight you realize Dhaos must know who you are. By the way, the ?Weapon you got is an Ice Scimitar but you don't have to transform it yet as you
won't need it right away.

There's a chest just to the south of the ship. It contains a Lavendar, and is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get. *sigh* I got it the first time around this time,
but the last time the stupid crabs kept getting in front of me, and I only got it after a lot of "patience" and several hours of trying (leaving the screen
and returning changes the positions of the crabs). The stairs leading to it are below the two men to the right of the ship.
Buy whatever you want, but you must visit the Adventurers' Guild (it's in the basement of the Pharmacy). The guy facing the plant will sell you Psion
Storm for 6,000g. Sakuraba will give you a password for 1,000g, but then again, what am
I here for? So yeah, don't pay Sakuraba. Find Elwyn and
Nancy (again) in the Supplies store. Talk to them. Buy two Silver Capes and a bunch of Rune Bottles, but you're gonna need 28,000g in a minute here, so
don't go overboard with the shopping. Don't buy a Holy Rune yet, cause we're going to another town soon where they're cheaper. Use a Rune Bottle on each
Silver Cape to turn them into Princess Capes. This'll help a lot in the near future. Also, use any leftover Rune Bottles to turn those plain Mantles that
you should have four of into Flame Mantles. And I've been talking about using Rune Bottles to turn things into other things a lot lately, so
here's a list of these "transformation" items. Handy, no? :oD
This kid (pictured right) in the middle of town will race you. He's practically impossible to beat, but if you beat him you get a Cat's Eye, which can be
worth a ton and a half of gauld later on... and I finally beat him! Booyah! :oD Anyway. 4. ?Weapon is an Ice Scimitar and 3. ?Weapon is just a Longsword
(in the rewards menu). You can beat him rather easily if you can manage to get directly in front of the kid at some point. See, he's too dumb to run
around you if you do this, so you can just walk normally and figure out where to go next. Just make sure you've got the Jet Boots equipped!
If you don't have enough money for what you want, then go hunting. This is a time when Dark Bottles come in handy, cause they attract enemies and therefore
also attract gauld. You gotta leave Alvanista anyway. Go south from the city, cross the bridge going left, go south, pass the lake with the house, and
keep going south (yes you can! Keep going!) You'll find another little house. The swordswoman there will teach you Burning Soul for free. There's another
house on the right continent (just go back to Alvanista and cross the other bridge and go south) at the very VERY bottom-right corner. The guy there'll
teach you Lion Lunge for 12,000g, but if you've not got enough gault you can always come back for this later (no, this isn't what I told you to save up
gauld for). You can't use this skill now anyway, so just keep it in mind for later if you need to. And I'm not talking about the port. There's another
house-shaped thing further south than the port, you just have to go west from the port, then further south and right to get to it.
Use the ship at the port to get to Freland. Equip the Ice Scimitar you got from the fight with Meia then go all the way right to the town. At the north
end of town between the Dime Store and a house is 2,600g. You can use a Charm Bottle to get a Holy Rune (gradually restores HP) for a lot less here in the
Dime Store, if you didn't buy one earlier. The people in the Grocery are a bit... uh... strange. To the right of the southern entrance is a Mixed Gummy.
East of Olive Village is a cave. Don't go in there yet. Go south and east from the cave entrance, then go south. There's a patch of green next to a lake
(this is an oasis). Enter there to get a Rune Bottle and a Flame Mantle. Use a Rune Bottle on the Aqua Mantle you got earlier from Undine to transform it
into a Flame Mantle (useful around here, and you can always turn it back later). Equip the two Flame Mantles on people (Cless and whomever) and the Garnet
Ring on Klarth. Equip Arche and Mint with the Princess Capes you transformed earlier (Silver Cape + Rune Bottle == Princess Cape). Further north is
another oasis. Enter there to get a Medicine Bottle. Keep going north and east to find another one with a bunch of bush babies and a Life Bottle. You
might want to start saving up any Basilisk Scales you might acquire, since you'll need like five or six later on. Lightning and Water spells work great on
these guys (the Basilisks), and they give really good EXP. Have some Remedy Bottles handy, though, cause these guys can turn your party members to stone.

: *CHOMP* ... ^.__.^
From the north-most oasis go aaaaaall the way north to Midgard. Once you're out of the desert areas, switch back to whatever weapon you were using before.
In Midgard you can buy upgraded weaponry and armour, but the best thing to get is a Mecha-Halberd (22,000 g). Woo! And THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is what
I was having you save up your gauld for. (*Tip: if you need more gauld and beat that Alvanista racing kid, then sell off your
Cat's Eyes here for 39,000 g each :oD)
Back in Alvanista, spend the night at the Inn. That night, Klarth tells you his plan. He wants Arche to fly you all up to the balcony on her broom. Ha ha!

Arche flies you all up, with apparently a lot of effort. Enter the castle, but don't rush in. Stand as far right in this passageway as you can and wait
until the guard on your left is out of sight. Run to the part of the wall that juts out from the north and stand at the bottom tip of it and wait for the
other guard to move out of sight. If you are caught, you have to start over from the balcony. Once the second guard is out of the way, run to the door at
the far right and enter it. The Prince wakes up and calls the guards, but Klarth notices something... and so does Arche. Catch the bird, catch the bird!
Uh oh...
Boss: Jahmir, Alice (2)
HP: Jahmir: 3,400, Alice: 2,500
TP: Jahmir: 100, Alice: 0
Attacks: Tractor Beam, Ice Wall
Weakness: Fire, Air (Jahmir)
Alright, this gal's tricky, but in a way, similar to Demitel. Same type of strategy, anyway. Get Klarth to cast Sylphs on Jahmir while Cless takes care
of the Alices. Have Mint cast Delay on Jahmir until it doesn't Fail, and Arche casting Eruption on Jahmir. You might want to have that Heavy Stone equipped
on Mint to keep her grounded during Jahmir's Tractor Beam. After the Alices are gone, watch out because Jahmir encases herself in a bubble that will hurt
whoever physically attacks her (i.e., Cless), so let the others cast their spells and have Cless attack whenever she comes out of her bubble (so keep him
close to her, but not
too close...).
Good, she's dead. Sheesh. Oh, geeze... yes, the Prince is fine, he just... calls the guards on you again. Bah, stupid Prince-guy. ... hey, isn't it only
treason if you're actually from that country, let alone that time period?
Back in jail. I swear, I've never seen such troublesome kids. Runeglom comes to the rescue! Sort of. Prince Charles is an ass, even more so than Klarth
(Klarth says: Will you stop that?) *whacks Klarth on the head* Hush, you, the King is talking. The King believes you, and gives you free stuff. He
also grants you permission to enter the Moria Gallery. Take the stairs in front of the Prince's room to go downstairs. In the first room, talk to the
woman on your right to buy Tractor Beam for 4,000g and Thunder Blade for 12,000g. If you've not got enough gauld, just buy Thunder Blade for now. You're
gonna need Thunder Blade really soon, but you won't need Tractor Beam until two dungeons from now. Just don't forget to come back and buy it when you've
got the gauld. Talk to the elf in this room to learn about Ifrit, and the elf in the next room to learn about Undine and Gnome (the other elementals
that you don't have yet).
Go back upstairs and take the other staircase down. Some old guy to the right has nothing better to do than to give Cless random titles that don't really
do anything. The wandering swordswoman tells you about the three Book types, and the wandering guard tells you the beginning of a story (there are people
later on who will tell you the rest). The guy in the middle of this room will test your "skill". It's really not all that hard as long as you know how to
subtract. Just make sure that the number of stones you take out never leaves the pot empty. Generally, you can just keep taking out three stones to win
a Mental Ring. Sometimes the "only three" rule doesn't work though, so just pay a bit of attention to the number of stones left. He won't play anymore
after you beat him though. In the upper-left corner is the staircase down. Unfortunately, the library doesn't have any Spell books, so just leave the
Enter the Pharmacy to get the papers to enter Moria. Talk to Runeglom again to find out that Maxwell lives in Moria, BUT you need to harness the four other
elementals to be able to call him. So guess what you have to do. Yup. Get the elementals. Fortunately for you, you've already got the Air Elemental,
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life