Go to the third floor of the Castle, and take the stairs in front of the Prince's room. Talk to Lundgrom in the first room, and
Klarth tells him that they should speak outside. Lundgrom tells you that his friend Edward can probably help you. After Lundgrom
leaves, Cless starts hearing voices... meh, I think he's starting to crack... Anyway! On to find Edward! (uy veh...)
Leave the city, and head west. Find the house by the lake, and knock on the door. (Yeah, if you came here earlier, she was a
real bitch, but now, apparently, Lillith's taken her Prozac...) Well, guess what, Edward's not home, so... time ta find the bugger... ... but but but I
Head to the little harbor south of Moria and take the ship to Freland. Go to Olive Village again (east of the harbor), and, after much to-do about nothing
and saunas and what-not, talk to "that guy," who's actually...! Rex. NOT Edward. Damn. Time for more looking... Equip those Flame Mantles again, just
to make things go quicker. Go right, south, and enter that oasis. Talk to the dude, who is... also not Edward. Jeeze! Yah, yah, you 'eard 'im, he went
north... So go north, ya big palooka! Shoo shoo shoo! (*wonders vaguely what a palooka is...*)
In the next oasis, talk to...! Alonzo. Oh, come on, like you were actually expecting it to be Edward?! Sheesh... Snails? Huh?
*sigh* well, looks like we're going north... again. "Going north, to Alaska..." No, wait, that's not right... Bush baby, bush baby, bush baby, lady, bush...
lady? Dammit, Edward's a freaking cross-dresser... he what? Oh. OK.

Yeah, go to the Inn. Or whatever. And talk to the manager guy... who is ALSO not Edward. And THIS is why I told you to save yer Basilisk Scales earlier.
I have seven, how many do YOU have?? And, no, don't use a damned Dark Bottle, cause the last time I did THAT, I got attacked by everything and their MOTHER,
but NOT any Basilisks!! OK, go fetch! (*Note: The Basilisks tend to hang around near the oases) And use Maxwell to save
us both a lotta grief, OK?? (boy, do these things give good EXP...) Five scales should be good. Go back to the Inn when yer done, and the guy who's still
not Edward lets you stay fer free. Choose Yes.
In the morning, it's Edward!! (is it, is it, are you sure??) *sigh* yes, it's freaking Edward, finally... bah, stupid Edward... hrmmm... looks kinda familiar,
doesn't he? Ah well... Mr. Morrison?!!
You explain your situation, and Edward tells you to go to Ymir (after obtaining permission, of course...). As he leaves, Cless runs after
him... and after much explanation and many, many flashbacks, you regain control of Cless.
Ymir Forest, and Fun Things to do With Ropes
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince
The Clay Golem, Gnome
The Moria Gallery