Head back to Alvanista (by way of Freland Harbor, of course), and talk to Lundgrom again. ... who's probably like "Why must you make me go outsiiiiiide??"
The papers will take a day, so stay the night at the Inn. Return to Runeglom in the morning to recieve Alvanista's Royal Crest. Leave the Castle, and
Arche leaves your party, since half-elves aren't allowed into Ymir. You also will want to stock up on a TON AND A HALF of Remedy Bottles... Leave the city,
and the scene switches back to Arche... Ksssh...
Range east, south, west as far as you can, then south a bit, then enter the forest area inside the upside-down U of water.

This place is another maze. Seriously. If you were a lucky little monkey and got a Stone Charm when fighting the Basilisks instead of a Basilisk Scale...
EQUIP IT ON CLESS! ^x__o^ OK, what's up with this guard dude? No, seriously, does he just stand there all day? And all night? Where does he live, on that
lilypad? ^@__@^;; Go up all the way, then left a bit, up a bit, right until you get to the little bridge, then go up, all the way left, and up. Beware the
Lizardmen and Drakes, cause they'll turn your party to stone (BAD!). If you get tired of being ... stoned ... use a Holy Bottle.
(*Note: While it is true that you cannot get turned to stone if you're already stoned, the author of this walkthrough does not
advocate smoking marijuana to attempt to stave off the being turned to stone-ness. Thank you.) The best way to kill off Oak Roots is to get up
close and use Tiger Blade.
Geeze, what a mess. Save already, willya?? OK, next area... From the SP, go right and follow the path offscreen for a Melange Gummy. From there, go south
and follow the path to get a Sage. Return to the SP, save, and take the left path. In the next area, go up and left, past the tree, to get a Lavender.
Take the south path to get another Lavender, then go back and take the left path for... another Lavender. Heh. OK, back at that crossroads, go north to
finally get the heck outta here. As Klarth spots something pink behind a tree...
You get stopped at the entrance to the Elven Village, but when they see the Crest, they take you to the Inn. Brambert comes in, and tells you to pick up
stuff for a day's trip... GO BUY REMEDY BOTTLES! NOW!! Can't buy any weapons, cause all they sell are bows (roffle, "Nameless Weapon Shop")... Anyway,
sleep at the Inn. Hey, that lady looks slightly familiar...
When you're ready, head to the north end of the village. Brambert tells you to follow the path that the bush babies are on... only problem is, there isn't
any treasure on that route!! Alright, here's how this'll work. Since this place is worse than the Moria Gallery, I'm making
map for you, screenshots and all, to minimize confusion. Beware, though, cause it's friggin HUGE. Also, I'm breaking this up into parts, so you can go
back and buy Remedy Bottles frequently (and I don't care if you have 13 when I send you back, cause you'll be wishing you'd gone when I told you to),
because last time I played this, Cless got stoned two areas before the stupid Heimdall stone, and I had to get aaall the way back to, not only the Elven
Village, but ALVINISTA with no Remedy Bottles left! If you really want to just keep going into the forest instead of back to town when I say to, just use
the map and make your own route. After all, that's what it's for. :o) OK, enough babbling, on with the show!
A pretty good strategy to use around here is to have Klarth cast Maxwell on the middle Lizardman/Drake, and have Cless use Tiger Teeth. As soon as
you enter, you see an SP. Use it, then go north. Here, go left to get a Magic Lens. You can use Holy Bottles around here, too, ya know, unless you're
like me :oD Go back to the last area and head north.
Go left here to get a Carrot, then go back. Continue north. Grab the Life Bottle to your right, then head back to the entrance to this area. We're heading
back now for Panacea Bottles. Keep heading south from here to reach the Elven Village. Sure, maybe I'm paranoid, but it's better to be paranoid than sorry!
By the way, you can rest at the Inn while you're here, too, to restore TP.
Use the SP, then go north, north, and north to return to the Life Bottle area. Take the left path here, and keep heading left through this pass. Grab
the Holy Rune and the Black Onyx from the chests. Take the left path. Down from the entrance is an Apple Gummy. Left from the entrance is a Savory.
Continue a bit left from there, and a little below you is a break in the trees. Enter there to get a Stun Bracelet. Exit north. In this area, go left
to find an Hourglass. Go back, then go north and north.
Here, grab the Gravity Stone, and now we're going back for more Pana Bot's. :oD From where you found the Heavy Stone, go south, south, south, right,
right, right, south, south, south, and south to reach the SP...
Again, use the SP, now go north, north, north, and north again. In this area, go left. To your immediate left is a Warrior Symbol. Left of that is an
Apple Gummy, and north of that is an Orange Gummy. Exit north to get a Holy Bottle. *looks at the map* Yech! Time for a trip back, and I don't care how
much you whine about it! From the Holy Bottle area, head south, south-right, south, south, south, and south to reach the SP. *whew*! Halfway done! (bwhaha,
a Drake just stuck his tongue out at me, so funny) Yay! ^O__O^
OK, go north, north, north, and... right! Go south for a Verbena, then head right again out of this area. Right in front of you is a Savory. South of
there is a Stun Bracelet, and south-east of that is a Dark Bottle. Exit south. To your right (behind the rock) is a Magic Lens, and farther right is a
Melange Gummy. Keep going right along the top to exit this area. Grab the Chicken, the Thief's Cape, and the Rune Bottle, and go back to the last area.
Go around the lake, and take the south-east exit. Go right to get a Syrup Bottle and a Resist Ring. Go back to the other area and take the southern exit
(it's on your left) to get a Life Bottle. OK, time for one last trip back... From here, go north, north, left, left, south, south, south, and south...
OK, go as far north as you can for an Apple Gummy. Go back a couple of areas til you can go right. Now, go north, then north and right to exit. Now, go
right twice. In this area, go down and right to get a Protect Ring, a Resist Ring, and another Thief's Cape. Exit north. There's an Elixir here on your
right, hidden under the branches of the trees. Go back to the last area, and exit right. Go south to get a Reverse Doll.
Go north from there, and left, and exit this area to the south. Go south again, and check behind the tree to the right of the rock on your right for the
Stone Charm. EQUIP IT! (it prevents that stoned thing). Go right across the top into the next area for a Protect Ring. Go back to the area where you
found the Stone Charm, and use the south-east exit. Continue right. Grab the Resist Ring, then use the SP if you'd like, then continue north for a scene...
Kangaroo? Ummmm... man, I'm glad I don't have epilepsy... ^O__o^;; Er... yeah, I don't think Chester would want a big ol' hunk of wood. ^<__<^;;
You now have the Moonstone Ring and the Topaz Ring (and probably close to 0 Remedy Bottles...). Check behind the Heimdall for some Elven Boots. Time to
head back! Go right, right, north, north, left, left, left, south, left, then just keep heading south... Look! What? Where? There! Huh? ... WHAT?!
As I mentioned earlier... Arche's a FREAK! (and a flake, too, apparently...) Well, the Innkeeper saves Arche, who later cries like a baby... Go back inside...
cause, well, what about Chester's bow?? Which is apparently broken to bits and pieces. OK, well, I think he's referring to that little house where
you got Cless' skill from the grumpy old man, but... ^<__<^;;
Agh! Finally! And, to quote from my favourite movie: "Now we can finally go home!" (Armageddon) Go south, right all the way, down, and right off-screen.
Yes, there are still enemies around here, but, if it's any consolation (...), you've got Arche with you again! (...)
OK, in the next area, just go south. In the area after that, go: down, right, down, left all the way, down a bit, right a bit, and down to LEAVE! Head
directly east to find the house Brambert was talking about. Yes yes, wait for Arche... Hmm, seems no one's home. ... or is there? Arsia will fix the bow
on one condition: you bring Brambert to her house. *sweatdrops* Ummmmmmmmmmm..... she... uh... she wants... uh... to... uh... GAAAAAAAH!! ... well, at
least it wasn't Mint. ^<__<^;; Then again, she was pretty superfluous during the whole thing. Then again again, Arche can't go into Ymir anyway. Aw fuck
it, whatever, back to the place of DOOM!! Hmm... like we couldn't tell that there was some sort of history between those two... but what? He's sure sweating
profusely. But! He agrees to go with you. Back to the creepy lady's house! ... well duh those are (were?) real people... aha. Anyway. Brambert wanders
off with creepy ebil lady, and your party talks about the weather. ^<__<^;; Man, what a selfish woman. *pokes her in the eyeball for 465 damage!* >:oD
Augh! BRAMBERT! NUUUUUUUU!! ... "Miss" Arche? ^O__o^;; Well... I guess... we'd better go do something else then. Yikes.
The Bug in the Moon
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince
The Clay Golem, Gnome
The Moria Gallery
Edward, and Several People Who Aren't