Return to Midgard and, after a bit of showing off your high-society minglings, enter the castle. You regain control of Cless inside a room, but you can't
leave yet. Just walk around, or whatever. Spiky-boy (a.k.a., Reisen, whose hair isn't quite so spiky in this version...) eventually comes in with Edward.
After some mutiny from Arche (grawr, I should smack her silly), you regain control again. Exit, and go right and up to find that Reisen's been talking
with Dhaos... Hmmm... ^<__<^;;
Reisen leads the way out. You get to talk to the King now. Yay. You regain control in the basement. OK! Time for exploring! Talk to the people for
some info, then go upstairs. North of you is the armoury, but, unfortunately, you can't get a new weapon here. Awww... Leave the castle for more mutiny.
Well you ain't gonna win his heart that way, hunny. And Arche wants to see "daddy." Jeeze! Somebody set her on fire, please! Go there now, there's not
much else you can do here anyway. Well, at least you get some insight into elven behaviour... You are then taken back to Midgards...
Something's wrong! Quick, to the Castle! Jestorna, you must die! ... well, looks like he's no longer Edward, either...
Back inside the castle, it's time to prepare for war! ... mercenary? Don't mercenaries usually get paid... I don't see a check anywhere, do you?
Later, Klarth stays behind for another conference, so go into town and buy stuff (GET ORANGE GUMMIES!!) (and a Flare Bottle or two). Stay at the Inn (left
of the Pharmacy). In the morning, return to the meeting room, where the conference is just finishing up. Hey, look, the MysTek cannon! (... eeevil ...)
Aaaaah, lookit all the icky dead people... ahhh, the ol' coming to arms...
Anyway! On with the battle!

Reisen tells you that the King will reward you on a job well done (in other words, you'll get more $$$ if you get there faster. Guess he got my memo about
that check...). Yay. *yawn* jush foller da direcshuns, K?? Also, I've finally made a freaking
map for this place, cause
y'all wanted one. Ignore everything but the red line route for now (and if you're colour-blind, I'm sorry). Talk to the dude in front of you to get a
bunch of stuff for free! (the guy on the left of Reisen) Save at the SP (top-right), and go right. ---------> that way :oD.
OK, first things first. I'd like to note that real-time doesn't count for this section. So basically you could leave Cless standing in one place while
you go to Hawaii for a week and, barring an enemy bumping into him and killing him, by the time you got back, you'd still be on the same "day" on the plains
in the game. Soooo... use this to your advantage! Stand in one place, and let the enemies come to you! Lots of EXP, and you can still get to the end on
the first day. If yer usin ZSNES, you can hold down the ~ key and it acts like a fast-forward button. Yay!
Alright, from here, go east, north, southeast, northeast, north, southeast, east, north, north, north, east, north, west, north, north, and north to another
SP. Heal and save your game, then go right. Make sure Klarth and Arche have Luna and Ray on automatic. If you get there on the 5th day, the other guys
have gotten there first and have been beaten. And yeah, you still have to fight. If you get there on day 10 ( ^O__O^;; ), then the dude's already been
defeated. If yer that slow, then skip the battle and go to the next paragraph. I always get there on the first day ^>__<^
Boss: Ishrantu, Drake (2)
HP: Ishrantu: 5,000, Drake: 1,500
TP: Ishrantu: 100, Drake: 0
Attacks: Thunder Blade, Multiple fireballs
Weakness: Drake: Fire, Thunder
Equip either Klarth or Arche with a Mystical Rune (or both, if you have two), and have Cless use Lion Lunge or Bolt Crash to eliminate the Drakes. After
the Drakes are gone, have Cless use Tiger Teeth on Ishrantu.
After the fight, Dhaos' army retreats, and you end up back in Midgard. Go to the Inn and rest for free, then enter the Castle.
If you got to Ishrantu before the 10th day, you get 10,000g. If not, then you get nothing, and ... and the enemy's attacking! Again!
Before you leave, go talk to the four people in the bottom-left corner. They'll sell you stuff. Do I have to repeat "buy orange gummies"?? Buy out
everything in the Pharmacy, actually. You might want to give Arche some good equipment... *hint hint*... *Tip: If you have Heavy
Stones equipped, and are wondering why you can't de-equip them, sell off a bunch of them to one of the four people. Now you can de-equip the ones you don't
want. Not that you'll need any for this next part anyway...
Leave the Castle... and Cless is hearing voices again! I swear, too much stress... ack! He's a magician now?? And Mint collapses. THE UNIVERSE ATE CLESS!
Go up from where you are (don't use the teleporter), and the Valkyrie wants the damned Gungir back...
Back in Midgard, Lyzen gets ready to fire the MysTek cannon... and now you know what in the name of Hades has been eating up all the Mana. Bah, stupid
Lyzen. Stupid cannon. Stupid... HAHAHA, it blew up! :op
Klarth says: If only Cless were here...
Cless says: *appears out of nowhere* You rang?
Take to the skies! Alright, you're not gonna like this one bit, I can tell you that RIGHT now... Not only do you NOT have Klarth OR Mint with you, but you
can't use any of CLESS' techs, either!! ... ... ... well, damn. Be sure to watch your party members' HP, and don't be stingy with those gummies! To cause
more damage, go to the far end of the screen and jump at the enemies. If you use a Medicine Bottle, it reduces your attack power, so use a Flare Bottle
right afterwards (and now you know why I told you to buy some). Also, if you need to, press the up button while attacking to reach high-flying enemies.
Boss: Ishrantu, Demon (2), Charon
HP: Ishrantu: 5,000, Demon: 1,500, Charon: 2,000
TP: Ishrantu: 100, Demon: 0, Charon: 60
Attacks: Fire Storm, ThunderBlade
Use Flare Bottles on Cless, and have Arche use Ray and ThunderBlade. Get rid of the Demons first, then go after Ishrantu (yeah, yeah, I know, Dino-boy's
getting rather annoying...). Go after the Charon when Ishrantu goes bye-bye.
After the battle, Pegasus leaves, with the Gungir. And Lyzen comes out and gives Arche a book from Edward... Arche learns Indignation! (yeah, that spell
from the intro of this game, hence a GOOD thing).
That Guy From Before
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince
The Clay Golem, Gnome
The Moria Gallery
Edward, and Several People Who Aren't
Ymir Forest, and Fun Things to do With Ropes
The Bug in the Moon