Harrison Ford boy takes you all to the future. Buy a Composite Bow fer Chester. North and left is the bridge. Turn south right before you cross it, and
the sexually-ambiguous person there will tell you about collectibles. Inside the Items shop is an old "friend"... (i.e., the bush baby that lady had you
haul around before you became the hero of the world that you are). Enter Cless' old house and talk to the instructor on the faaar left for a challenge.
Watch it cause the Sergeant enemy can kill you in one hit if you're unlucky enough.
Switch Chester into yer party, equip him with the Composite Bow and a Black Onyx, and level the poor boy up! He's only at level 10! (or whatever you left
him at). You can find Howard D. Morrison (who's also not Edward)... (yeah, couldn't resist doin that this time around, either...) *sheepish grin* Anyway!
You can find him in Tornix' old house and, after a rather long conversation where you establish that he has no Magical abilities, and discuss the Meaning
of Life, he tells you that you can rest (for free) at his house anytime. I don't know about you, but that lil pink-haired kid downstairs could be Arche's
kid... (from what guy??) Eh... I didn't say anything... *points somewhere else to distract you* There! The kitchen! Heh, that merchant guy seems to have
taken up residence in the Morrison dwelling, and is apparently immortal.
Inside the Mausoleum (which is now Volt's Cavern), is a Holy Bottle north of where you are, and left of that is a Shield Ring (equip on Chester) and a Life
Bottle. Through the door to the north are TWO Lavenders! ^~__~^ Back in the last area head right from the entrance to find... hmm? What's going on here?
Best to leave ninja to dispute amoungst themselves... she can handle them anyway, and does so with surprising speed. She then disappears... Go north to hear
her voice. Enter the cave to find... her being electricuted. *sweatdrops* Some ninja... roffle. Yes, go help her already. Jeeze. After the scene she
apologizes... and then runs off again. Hoi. Levelling Chester up in here == lots and lots of gald, and you can get a new weapon for him (Aqua Sprite, need to use a Rune Bottle on a ?Bow, just make sure
it's not a shortbow...). You can also get a Dragon Tooth for Cless ifyer lucky. Well, there's one more thing... in the same area where you got zapped, use
the Sorcerer's Ring on the thing that zapped you to open the door in the back, then run through the door before it closes and open the chest for a new book
for Klarth. Go down the stairs, right through the wall, step on the switch in the back, then go back and go north, then right into the next area. Ack, more
Dhaos ninja! OK, yeah, so your party is a bunch of cowards and send you to fight alone, but this fight is sooooo easy. Basically Tiger Teeth them a bit, then
Sword Rain them into a corner, and keep using Sword Rain til they're dead. ... what you mean, barely won? They didn't even land a hit on me! ^9__9^;;
After the fight, Suzu runs off again. Jeeze, lady! Ah, fine, whatever. Follow her right and into the cave, up the stairs, grab the Orange Gummy, then go
through the door to find yourself back at the beginning. OK, now you can leave. Nothing else here for you (at least, not yet...) DUN DUN DUUUUN!!
When you're ready, go north through the mountain pass to Euclid (there's a Reverse Doll and a scene at the top, by the way). Yay! Level 34, Chester!
Congrats! ^~__~^ Alright, wander around Euclid. Uncle Olson's house's been turned into a Research Center. Haha! There's a lost girl in the bottom left
corner of the city. Might as well help her out, ey? Her mother is at the entrance to the castle. For returning her you get a teacup... which happens to
be full of upgraded gummies. w00t. OK, enter the Castle (to the north). There's a tournament going on, but don't bother with that right now. I got
killed off on the very last round of the first battle, and there are TEN battles, one right after another! Come back when you're at level 70 or something.
Talk to the King to get... 80,000 FREAKING G?! Daaamn... yeah, cool. On the third floor is a girl who'll tradeya her brown card for yer black card. The
princess says she gives you a title, but it's not a real title... Alright, I can't remember anything else of interest, so... head to Venezzia!

Head to the Armor shop, and buy buy buy! (although there's a better (but more expensive) place just a bit later on...) No, that's not actually Elwyn and
Nancy in the Trading Company... just their descendants... There's a short scene in the mayor's house if you care. There's a dude in the grocery who'll
give you a green card for some melon and kelp (ew, what a combination). You got some melon in Dhaos' castle, and you can buy some kelp in here (you only
need one, don't worry). Talk to Harrison on the right-most ship to find out that there are certain... eh... complications... in regards to getting
to Alvanista by boat. You return to Euclid, where Dr. Livingstone shows you his Techbirds. Only problem is, they can't fly as far as Alvanista.
Chester says: I, for one, have NO idea what any of you are talking about.
Yeah? Well, you and me both, kid... Actually, that's not entirely true... remember the new name of the Mausoleum? Klarth volunteers to go contract with
Volt, so... back to the Mausoleum we go!

OK, apparently you people wanted
one of my big-ass maps for this place, too, so there ya go. It's not as big as the other ones,
so don't worry. ^~__~^
Equip someone with the Sorcerer's Ring. OK, head to the area where you fought the ninja, then head south. You might want to use a Holy Bottle here if
you don't like distractions (don't worry, the enemies around here drop em by the ton). Go into the south room, flick the lever, then turn on the conductor
and RUN THROUGH THE DOOR! (*Tip: Shoot the goddamn thing from the right side so the distance you have to run is shorter) Go down
the stairs, pick up an Apple and a Bread as a reward, then go through the door.
Turn on the conductor, then run south and right through the wall (AVOID the teleporter, which'll take you back to the beginning *headache* ) and up through
the door. Which closes if you don't reach it before the current goes bye-bye. Which means ya gotta do it over again. ... NNNOOO!!!
*breathes* Here, you can't go left, cause of some "mysterious force" (which, unfortunately, isn't disabled by that stupid ruby from the beginning of the
game. Bah, stupid ruby). Enter the door, hit the switch to the north, then go right and up to get a Sylphs Broom for Arche. Go south and left, up the
stairs, hit the switch behind the conductor, then turn on the current and run right and up through the door. This next area causes a headache and a
half! Use the SP now... OK! This is how this works: The door only opens if the left current is running, which'll only run if the middle one's on,
which'll only turn on after you've triggered the rightmost one... AUGH!
OK, OK! Here's what I did: Use a Holy Bottle when you're near the sign at the top-right. Get between the right and middle conductor-thingies, so that you
can't move right or left (picture at left), and only have space to turn around and/or go up. Turn on the right conductor (it won't look like it's on, but
it is, trust me), then spin around and turn on the middle one, then run to the left one, and run out the door! *whew*
OK, re-equiption time! Put a Body Amulet on Cless, and replace the Sorcerer's Ring. Then go north. And Volt is swearing! Heh.
Boss: Volt, Alraine (2)
HP: Volt: 28,000, Aruroun: 2,200
TP: Volt: 400, Aruroun: 100
Attacks: Drain, ThunderBlade
OK, there are two different things that you can do at the beginning: either use Indignation to wipe out all the Alraine at once (and heal Volt at the same
time) (although this is my favourite tactic, since you won't need the Body Amulet for this), or use Judgement twice to eliminate those annoying Alraine.
Don't have Cless equipped with the Dragon Tooth, as all it does is occasionally knock out Volt, without doing any damage (kinda like Pow Hammer). If you
have Klarth in your party, make sure you disable Luna, and disable Ray, Lightning Blade, Lightning, etc., in Arche's menu. Use Lightning Tiger Spear to
get rid of the Alraines, then switch to Tiger Blade on Volt. Just keep using Judgement and Maxwell and this fight should be over pretty soon.
Afterwards, Klarth contracts with Volt. Go south, and Cless'll tell Arche to fly down and get the treasure. Heh. Looks like there's some bad blood
between those two... Haha! Bah. *doesn't like Arche much, either* *simply adores Chester* (Arche says: Hey!) (Chester: ^_^) (Klarth says: Hey, what
about me?) ... *thinks Klarth's still an ass, although a tolerable, funny, semi-useful ass* (Klarth says: ... I don't know whether to take that as a
compliment, or what...)
Ah yes, the ?Armor is a Star Cloak. Woo! Go south from here, then right, and step on the teleporter. Then just go south to leave the cave. Stay the
night at an inn for a scene between Cless and Chester, then leave and re-enter and sleep there again for another scene.

Doctor-Whatsits is happy, and gives you the Wing Pack. Leave. Use the Wing Pack. Fly around. Get used to the system. Don't get lost, cause I ain gonna
come looking forya. OK! Exploring time! Enter the woods where the Tree is. Try to get attacked by a bunch of Boars. The babies give Fur. ^~__~^
(although I don't much like the idea of killing small animals, it's just a game!). Watch it, though, cause these buggers run off pretty fast (offscreen).
Visit the Tree for a scene... uh oh. "Oh my..." is right. Stop off in Venezzia to give Chelsea another piano lesson. Alright, enough of this, on to

Talk to the blonde elf at the southern entrance to learn about Aska (and you should know by now that I don't have you talk to people if there isn't a
purpose to talking to them...). Heh. That, eh, "lady," in the Adventurer's Guild must be pretty damn old by now... Ksssh... *cracks up* Some people will
tell you about Ifreed the pirate and his treasure, but you don't have to talk to them, since I'll tell you myself that his son's alive and his treasure's
out there somewhere. But we'll get to that later... Also, the guy in the inn will mention the Three Weapons briefly, but you don't need to talk to him
either. Talk to the guy on the roof of the house to the right of the main entrance to the city (next to the girl with green hair). He tells you about
the ninja village...
Buy a Holy Rod for Mint, a new ribbon for Arche, and a new weapon for Cless. Personally I'm going with the Holy Sword. Ah yes. The kid. You can race
here, too. The prizes are: S-Flag, Silver Mattock, Flare Spread, and a Shortbow. Try to enter the castle, and the guards stop you. And call you a commoner!
Hmph! Well, I never... Hi, Harrison Ford! Yeah, yer damn right yer sorry! Heh. LUNDGROM!! *hugglesh* ^~__~^ Um... er... my Cless sprite keeps changing
to some weird-looking dude... ^<__<^;; Creepy.
OK, well, there's no more Prince Charles, just some dopey Princess. OK, you know the way downstairs... The lady in red tells you what the three weapons
are (you have one already, the Diamond Ring). The elf in the next room says that you need to get Origin to fuse the Three Weapons. ... how is a ring a
weapon anyway?? Eh. OK, time fer more exploration!
First things first! To the psychobitch's house! (yes, I mean Arsia) Knock on the door, and... heeee? Brambert!? YOU'RE ALIVE! ^O__O^;; ... what do you mean
how are we alive, you're the one who was turned into a statue for the rest of Eternity! After a scene, you get Chester's old bow back. Which is now
brand spankin' new. Yay! Yeah, she was a selfish bitch, so I don't care about what happened to her. Although Brambert is sad. :o( Oh well. You can leave
now. Enter Edward's house and inspect his bed to find a Statue of Friendship. Hurray for collectors items. ^<__<^;;
OK, head to Bart's house. Time to explore the Sylphs' Mountain! (what, again?) ... yes, again. Apparently, our party has some traits of a vampire... even
though Bart doesn't live here anymore, and the dude'll tell you to get lost if you talk to him, you can still rest here. ... Cool!
Enter the top-right cave and go down the rope. Down and left is a Reverse Doll (what the hell are Hill Giants doing in a cave??), and at the top-right is
a Mist Orb (south of the covered-up hole). Right and down from there is an Iron Boots, and down, left, up, left, down, left, and up from there is the
Amethyst Ring (behind the second covered-up hole). OK, now get the heck outta there.

Fly around until you find a dark snowy continent (as opposed to the white, snowy continent) with two caves and a city on it. Enter the city. Talk to the
soldier in the Cafe (northwest building in town) to get the Dedis Emblem. The swordswoman at the counter'll sell you Phoenix Spear for 50,000g. Southeast
of Ary is the Cave of Darkness (walk there, dummy). Shadow grants Klarth a contract!
Fly around Freland (off the coast) til you find a little black island with a house on it. They've got a lot of stuff (EXPENSIVE), so use a Rune Bottle on
a Charm Bottle, then use the resulting Miracle Charm to buy stuff. The Crescent Bow isn't better than the one you got from Brambert, so don't bother
wasting yer g on that. Don't worry about the combo command item for right now... just remember where this place is and come back for it when you care (it
allows you to do any tech in battle, as long as you know the code for it).
Go to the south oasis in Freland to get the Phoenix Blade combo for 40000g. There's a chick in the northern oasis who'll give you a white card for your
brown card. Now go back to the Unicorn Forest (
map) and grab the new Oriental Herbs (6) growing there. They'll sell
for 21,420g each in Alvanista.
Go back to the Glaciated Cave (Undine's Cavern). There are a bunch of goodies here, like the Sapphire Ring, and the Maelstrom spell. The cavern is north
of Venezzia. If you want, you can wander about the Molten Cavern (Ifrit's Cave), and try to get ?Bows that MIGHT be a Flame Spread (same stats as an Aqua
Sprite, except good against water-innate enemies) for Chester to use in this area.
Arche... you... are weird... ^<__<^;; Anyways. Leave and come right back for another scene, then go inside. Screw, that's not right. OK, go right, up
and around, and down the stairs. Cross the bridge, flip the switch, enter the door at the top-left, go up, down the stairs, left, up the stairs and
through the door. Head up, a bit right, and down the two flights of stairs. Grab the Sapphire Ring, then go back upstairs. Head north and get the Ice
Wall Spell for Arche out of the chest. Now, just keep heading south until you get to the room with the bridge and the switch, flip the switch, then take
the south-left staircase, down and right and up the stairs, then south to exit.
Enter... the Cave of Spirits! Aaahhh! If you see a Death Gaze... RUN! RUN! RUN AWAY!! (personally, I like Death Gazes, cause they give a lot of EXP, but
they're really hard to beat. If you want to kill one, use Demonic Tiger Blade, Shadow, and Chester's Giga Fang)
Go right and up through the door. Go down the stairs, down the stairs, down the stairs... take the left-most door and head through to the back. Go right
and down the stairs. Cross the bridge and go through the door. In this next area, enter the left-most door to get the Emerald Ring. OK, now to get out
of here... Head south, left, up the stairs, left, down, down some more, all the way right, up the stairs, north, and up the other stairs. Exit bottom-left
to leave!
(hey, that rhymes)
Find the re-surfaced Abyss of Thor (just keep going north from Arlee and you'll hit it eventually). Enter the building to your northeast for a scene.
Pass between the barstools and the counter for another one... *cracks up at the first channel*
Leave the building, and go left, south, down the stairs, and right. Enter the building, follow the path, and... well, you know the drill. Find the
damned key. Find the damned door. You might get a Laser Blade around here. *shrugs* Your weapon, your choice, dude.
Once you get to Central Processing, check Cust. Choose 3. Klarth sets Aska free, who then grants him a contract. Yay! You can also heal while you're
here... crap, now to get out of here! Find the freaking key again, and hope you get the door that leads back outside!! *tears hair*
You remember where Harmel was, right? Well, now it's a patch of green near a bridge south of Venezzia. West from there is Demitel's Island. Head down the
stairs that appeared when you opened the secret passage in the past. Go south and right. Take the top path and go through the door. The chest contains
a Spell book with the Tempest spell for Arche.
[FangWolf (section coming soon)]
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince
The Clay Golem, Gnome
The Moria Gallery
Edward, and Several People Who Aren't
Ymir Forest, and Fun Things to do With Ropes
The Bug in the Moon
Valhalla, Valkyerie, and Victory
That Guy From Before
Of Unicorns, Dreams, and Trees
Atlantis, or The Abyss of Thor