You are escorted into a castle of sorts. Malice steals the pendant, and Cless gets thrown in jail. Yes, your weapon is gone. This isn't Chrono Trigger.
Your shield is gone too, so I hope you didn't buy one earlier when I told you not to. The rest of your stuff is still there though. Check the door, then
check the hole in the back wall. Walk around a bit, and then you'll hear a voice. Inspect the hole again, and the voice tells you to put your hand through.
Choose Yes, and you get... an earring. But wait! [BOOM] Whoa is right. Enter the hole, and Cless says something about the woman. Inspect her body, and
choose Yes. Equip the sword and open the door (you should also notice that the only empty slots are weapon and shield, which is why I only had you upgrade
Cless' other equipment). Go to the top-right cell to get a Cheese. Go down one cell, and free Mint. Despite her protests, go down and right into the
water. Inspect the gate to get Mint's brilliant deduction that it's a sewer entrance. Pry the gate open.
Blah blah blah, OK, here we go! No, Mint doesn't have any skills yet... how... droll. And no, I don't mean drôle, as in the French word for funny. And
she's only at lv. 2!! *sigh* OK, work with the girl, and level her up, K? Equip her with that beret I had you buy earlier, too. She learns First Aid at
level 3 (very useful!), and she doesn't have to master her techniques, or equip them. Right and down from where you came in is an Apple Gummy. Up
and right is a Lemon Gummy. Further right from where you found the Apple Gummy is a Save Point. Go ahead and use it. Go up and right... awww, Mint is
sooo cute!! ^~__~^ *ahem*, anyway... The leeches around here are hell, unless you've leveled up. (*Tip: Press up and X
to poke em. That way, you have a better chance of actually hitting them. Or you can just Demon Fang em to death, which is what I usually do) The
O.Jelly are worse, though, since they come in groups of three. bleh. (*Tip: Keep your distance! If you encounter jellies, move
all the way to the other side of the screen then attack from there, returning to the edge of the screen after every blow. If one hits you, return to the
edge of the screen as quickly as possible. Not only does this reduce your chances of getting hit, since it's not an up-front encounter, but jumping attacks
deal more damage than regular ones) Go up, left, and down for a Wooden Shield. Go right and up the stairs, and into the next screen.
Grab the Apple Gummy, and go up. Go to the right first, not up yet. Up the stairs and right through the tunnel and down is a Savory. These increase how
much TP you can have (good!). When Mint learns Pow Hammer, TURN IT OFF (go into Skills and press L next to the skill)! Seriously, all it does is SOMETIMES
make the enemy dizzy, it DOESN'T knock off any HP from them AT ALL, AND it wastes valuable TP, TP that she could be using to HEAL you (or herself), but
isn't! *SIGH* So... TURN IT OFF!! Anyway, to the north is a Rapier, and I'm still debating on whether or not it's any better than what you already have...
Whatever, equip it if you wish. Go right, and use the Save Point, then take the upper-left path up and around to get 1000 g. Now, go back to the
weird-looking bat-guy in the back. Save before going up to him. Saving on SP's (Save Points/Memory Glyphs) is kinda hard in this game. You have to stand
right on the circle and the swirly stuff has to be coming up around you for you to be able to save in this version. ^O__o^;;
Boss: Sewer King/Devil, Slug (2)
HP: Sewer King: 250, Slug: 120
Attacks: physicals
My current level: Cless: 7, Mint: 4
My current formation: Mint all the way on the left, Cless one space in front of her
Something I'd like to get out of the way: the difference between Recommended/Suggested level and My current level is that Recommended
level is the level you HAVE to usually be on to defeat the enemy. A friend of mine using my walkthrough said it would be a good idea to
put that for all the bosses, but I've only put them down for the ones I thought needed them. Hence the "My current level" things.
This time around, it doesn't matter if you kill off the main guy first, cause the slugs'll keep coming after you, and they take off a lot of HP, no matter
what level you are. In your Formation menu, move Mint all the way to the left side of the screen, then move Cless so that there's one person-space between
him and Mint. Demon Fang the slugs to death, and hope that the Sewer King doesn't get close before you finish them off. If the Sewer King stays up high
out of reach, back away from him about as far away as you'd need to if you were going to use Demon Fang on him (and yes, I know Demon Fang won't reach him
if he's flying high. Let me finish, willya?), then do the run-and-jump attack I talked about back when I mentioned the jellies, then Swallow Dance him
until he goes poof. If the slugs are still around once you've finished off the Sewer King, just back away and use Demon Fang on the blighters.
After the battle, go up and out. You end up in a forest. Go south, and Mint gets attacked by a slug, but you push her out of the way.
Awww, my HERO! ^~__~^ "Ack!?" ... How appropriate. :oD You faint, and Mint hears horses, so she carries you away... strong woman. ^.__.^;;
You wake up in Tornix' house (yes it's Tornix, I don't care what the game says, I go by the original names) (and yes, this is the locked house you couldn't
get into earlier), and Mint gives you something to eat. She also gives you the monster list, and then they both tell you to go outside and get some air.
... OK? Go out the door, left and down the hallway, then down the stairs to the right, and out the door. Walk around to the left, and someone'll shoot an
arrow into the tree! Ack! But don't worry, it's just Chester! Tornix and Mint come out of the house, and Tornix asks about the pendant. He gets rather
upset when he finds out that the pendant is missing. He says he must go to the Catacombs, but he won't let you go with him.
Cless, Chester, and Mint hold a conference back in Tornix's study. They are interrupted by none other than... Master Tristan?? He also knew Meryl, Mint's
mother. Master Tristan tells you to meet him in the Catacombs when you are ready. Head out the door and talk to the merchant at the door. Don't get too
hasty when buying a Chain Mail for Chester, cause you'll get one for free in a minute. Head to the world map, and level Mint up some, since she probably
needs it (Chester will be at whatever level you left him off at). You can heal at Tornix's house. When you're ready, enter the cave to the east.
Go up and cross the bridge. Keep going right, and you'll see Master Tristan again. He teaches you Demonic Swallow Kick (and, if you mastered Demon Fang
and Swallow Dance like I told you to, then you can equip this tech now). The door in the back will open now. Check the Maps section of this walkthrough
ifya need a map.
Follow the path til you get to a hallway with a bunch of doors. Open them all (except for the big one in the middle, you can't open that one yet), and
inspect the coffins. Choose Yes every time. The first room contains a Protect Ring, the next a Magic Lens, the next, an Hourglass, the next has that
Chain Mail I told you about earlier, and the last contains a Rune Bottle. Use the Rune Bottle on the Savory you got in the first dungeon (unless you used
it already), then use the Red Savory on Mint to increase her TP. When you're ready, go down the stairs. Follow the path, and, when you go through the
door, keep going south. In this new area, take the northern door to get a Creamy Cheese. The southern door has an Apple Gummy. Go back to the last area,
and take the other door this time around.
Take the door at the top for a Sabre, then take the top-right door. Go through the other door there, down the hallway, and through the double doors
to get... another Chain Mail. Oh well, you can sell em off later. Take the door in front of the one where you entered this area, and go
south and right. Enter the double doors to get an Orange Gummy, a Cheese, and a Panacea Bottle. Go back to the last room, and
go right from the door where you entered here. Grab the Fresh Milk, use the Save Point, and inspect the statue...
Mini-Boss: Golem
HP: 280
Attacks: physicals
Recommended level: 9
My current level: Cless: 6, Mint: 5, Chester: 5
My current formation: Mint all the way to the left, Cless two spaces in front of her, Chester one space in front of him
Use Lightning Tiger Blade on him, and he's gone after about three. Most physical attacks won't work on him. If you don't have Lightning Bolt, then just
Psion Kick or even Dual Kick him to death. Yes, this can be done at level 6 (and possibly 5), but having Lightning Tiger Blade makes it a LOT easier.
Afterwards, pull the statue left, down, and further left, and onto the switch to open that door. Go through it and get the Raise Ruby out of
the chest. Make your way back to the first hallway. What, you're lost?? (if you're not, then skip the next paragraph).
Alright, to get back from the room where you found the Raise Ruby (although you could check the Maps area of this walkthrough if
you're so inclined, but for the 56K-ers out there...): Leave the room, go right, up, and out the door. In this next area, go left
and down. Take the door to the north, and go up the stairs. Now, just keep following the path til you get to the hallway.
You can open the middle door now. Do so. Step on the weird symbol to teleport out of here.
Where in the name of Hades and Hellfire...?? (... actually, that's a pretty good description of it right there...) Anyway, first things first:
Take the floating block that comes to the top of this platform. Pull the lever, then take the other floating platform to the north. Get the
Fresh Milk (how is it fresh if it's been sitting here in the catacombs for forever??) and the Rabbit's Foot out of the chests and go back to the original
platform. (No, don't worry, there's no way you can fall into the lava) Go a bit left and south and take the platform that appears there after
awhile. Get the Reverse Doll and go back. Take the floating platform that lands where the piece of floor was created by the lever. You dropped
the what?! "Dang it!" ... *sigh* well, now you'll have to go get it, don't you? Go down the stairs, and... damn you, can't you do anything right? *sigh*
Now we have to go back to get the darned thing... Go back up the stairs and step on the other weird symbol on the floor here. Time it
just right so that the platform back is almost to the platform you're on. Go left and all the way down, and hurry! You don't want to be caught
in the next room when this flying thing wears off (no, you don't fall into the lava, stop saying that!). Go to the left to pick up the Lace
Ruby again, then keep going down and right to get a Lavender. Run back out, cause if you touch the floor, it knocks off 20HP per hit.
Return to the platform with the flying symbol on it (and don't drop the Ruby this time!). Go through the door, use the Save Point, and keep going north.
Boss: Golem (2)
HP: 280
Attacks: physicals
Recommended level: 9
My current level: Cless: 6, Mint: 5, Chester: 5
Use Lightning Tiger Blade. What else can I say? Yup, can still be done at level 6-7. Oh yeah, if you still don't have Lightning Tiger Blade, then do this:
Take out the one on the right first with Swallow Dance, then go into your battle menu and change formation so that Cless is in front of the other Golem,
as opposed to whomever you had back there. Now, Swallow Kick away!
Continue on through the door. *wonders what Tornix has been doing this whole time that you've been wandering around the catacombs??* He's not
all that happy to see you. After much explanation, catastrophe, and death, Tornix starts mumbling something. ... CHESTER, NOOO!!
Blast to the Past
The Mystery of the Pendant