Go to Alvanista and take the ship on the right. It's a cargo ship to Beladum. Enter the cave south and east of the harbor.

Cross the bridge to your right and go north. The password (that Sakuruba would've sold you in the Adventurer's Guild in Alvanista) is kikurin (3, 1, 2, 4).
Go down the stairs, right, up and around, and talk to the little dude. Agree to help him, then exit through the door in front of the stairs.
Ya gotta go slow, cause this guy'll run off if you go too fast. Then you have to find him, and start all over again. If you've played Chrono Cross or
Chrono Trigger (i.e., the monster in Shadow Forest, or the cat at the Millenial Fair), you'll know what I'm talking about when I say this is a real PAIN
(if not, then you'll soon find out)... especially since every OTHER gnome around here attacks you when you go by... bah, stupid gnome-dude. Be real careful
going through doors. If you lose him, go back and talk to him, so he starts following you again. The only thing that works against the other stupid gnomes
is Tractor Beam (everything else heals em).
After going down the stairs from the room where you found yer lil gnome-dude, take the left-most door. Go north and talk to the
four gnomes to your right. The lil dude leaves. *whew*, finally! Follow them right and down the stairs. Cross the bridge and take
the first door. Hit the switch to the right of the SP, and all the gnomes come running. Equip people with the two Flame Mantles
(cause they negate earth, too, for some unknown reason...), and Klarth with the Opal Ring for extra protection. You can also
turn normal Mantles into Flame Mantles with Rune Bottles. Enter the middle door (the others don't lead anywhere).
Boss: Gnome
HP: 3,400
TP: 150
Attacks: bomb thing
This battle isn't hard, so much as ANNOYING!! Wait out the nuclear bomb attack or whatever the hell he's doing, then wait until the heads come together underground.
Don't bother wasting TP on summoning or anything else, just use Sword Rain as soon as the heads congregate together and come aboveground. He's gone after
about three or four Sword Rains.
The chest contains the Glaive (it's actually Grave, trust me) spell for Arche. Head south, left, up the stairs, left, down, down some more, all the way
right, up the stairs, north, and up the other stairs to get back to the first floor. Exit bottom-left to leave the Cave of Spirits.
The Moria Gallery
The Mystery of the Pendant
Of Prisons, Sewers, and Other Random Places
Blast to the Past
The Sylphs
The Tree of Life
Hangovers and the Prince