When you get to the village, the guards tell you that Phaidra was looking for you. Well, go to Colette's house already! You get a skit
on the way there. Hrm... maybe she was avoiding you? Did you take a shower? Upon entering, Frank gives you a letter from
Colette. Ahaha, that expression was the closest thing to a O_o face I have ever seen in my entire life. Frank starts to tell you something,
but then you hear a giant [BOOM] outside. Well, go see what it was! Have Frank heal you, then shoo! Out the door with you! Ack! Desians are
setting the village on fire! Bastards! ... and there's that jackass with the metal popsicle stick for an arm again. ^>__<^ Use the SP that has
magically appeared in Colette's front yard, then go south to confront the soldiers. Get ready to fight! They're just like the other
Desian soldiers you've fought before. Now, head to the school and save that guy! He gives you an Apple Gel and an Orange Gel as thanks.
Now, have Frank heal you, then take the path that goes directly south from the school. When you pass by Genis' house, he gets all upset, which angers you even further. Keep following the

The guards call you out, and you vent your anger. Then Popsicle-Arm-Boy introduces himself. Grand Cardinal, eh? Don't seem so grand to me. ... er...
is that guard... vibrating? ^O__o^;; So who the hell attacked Colette then?! Oh look, it's all your fault. Well, honestly, it was either stand back and do nothing like everybody else seems to
want to, or at least try to right some wrongs ... errrrrrrr... what the heck is this thing??
Boss: Exbelua
HP: 5,000
TP: 38
Attacks: Insane Cell (dark energy force field), Impact Hammer (energy blast)
My current level: Lloyd: 6, Genis: 5
Watch this thing, cause it hits pretty hard. Like, really. Its hits also knock you really far back, so watch Genis' HP if he gets too
close to this thing. Use the Y-button to air-escape from this attack if possible. When darkness starts emanating from under it, get away! That's its stupid force field attack, and it hits
multiple times. Don't get stingy with Apple Gels or TP, either. Its energy blast is hard to avoid, since the beginning of it looks a
lot like its physical attack. The best thing to do in this battle is to run up to the enemy, land a couple of blows, then run back again,
a la Tales of Phantasia-style. Your "couple of blows" should be three hits and Sonic Thrust to knock it back, then run back towards Genis, who hopefully has enough sense to stay put.
Make sure Genis is casting because his magic does (on average) more damage than your physical attacks. Wind Blade seems to be the best bet here, but if you don't have it, Stone Blast should
After the fight, the thing falls to the ground, and the Desians discover your Exsphere. ... Angelus Project? Wha? Heck no, we're not
giving this thing up, ya murderers! ... mom did what now? Errrr... err?! Marble?! Noooooooooooo!! Marble's act of self-sacrifice takes Forcystus down, but only temporarily. The Desians escort
him away as he pretty much vows to hunt you to the ends of the earth.
The Desians run away, but the Mayor is majorly pissed at you. ... exile? Lloyd doesn't even live there, fer cripes' sake. Oh man, Genis is not a happy child. Although I whole-heartedly
agree. Only cowards sacrifice others just so they don't have to be inconvenienced. You both get banished, and Phaidra beseeches you to go after and protect Colette. Genis, of course, is
gonna tag along with you, so yay. You also suggest that he use Marble's Exsphere. Good thing you got that Key Crest earlier, huh? Talk to Phaidra to learn that Colette and co. headed south to
the Triet Desert. Frank tells you that Houses of Salvation have Inns in them that you can use to rest at when you need to. ... apparently he doesn't like you enough to heal you anymore. Well
hmph. We're ONLY off to save YOUR DAUGHTER. Whatevs~ As you leave, you get the title "Drifting Swordsman." Leave the village. |
Go south from Iselia, and you'll probably get a skit soon enough. ... anybody else getting the feeling that maybe Genis and Raine are actually half-elves? Anyway. You'll soon come across a
white box-ish structure. Enter.
As soon as you enter, some guy demands to know who you are. Hahaaa, you liar. He lets you rest there for free. Use the SP if you need to (it's on the right), then leave. By the way, you can
save at any point in the field, so... not sure why this SP exists.
Range south (just follow the sandy path), and you'll eventually get a skit. Soon afterwards, it'll cut to you and Genis, and Noishe howling. ^<__<^;; He's got a letter for you from yer dad.
D'awwww, thanks dad! His letter also teaches you about Ex Skills, so pay attention. The Compound Ex Skills can be pretty useful too. You can check on what Ex Skills (compound or otherwise) are
available for each character. Just click on the Miscellaneous link at the top of this and every other ToS walkthrough page, then click on Ex Skills. Anyway, keep following the path, and you'll
see a House of Salvation (one of those Inn thingies Frank was talking about earlier) sitting in the middle of the path.
Walk south, and Genis says that walking around isn't gonna help you find Colette. Well fine. Genis talks to the guy, and Long-Range
something-or-other now becomes available. ... whatever that is. Vague, isn't he? Well, now he explains it, so yay. ... items on the
field? That's a new one... (check the Maps section, and the yellow squares are the locations of the chests in the field) Anyway. The Guide Post Monument
locations are listed in their corresponding sections in the menu at the top of this and every ToS walkthrough page (and you can also see them on the world maps in the Maps section. And the blue
circles on those maps are special Z-skit locations, although these won't be available just yet. When I mention them later on this page you can actually go find them.
By the way, I usually won't be mentioning where these map-related things are specifically in the actual walkthrough so just use the maps). Enter the
building and talk to the dude in the very back. He says you can rest upstairs if you need to. ... for 100g, that is (just inspect one of the beds to rest). There's also an SP on the second
floor. Leave whenever you want to.
Keep going south and you'll soon hit a bunch of sand. Ergh. After wandering around for awhile, you'll get another skit, in which Genis
mentions that there should be a gate around here that leads to Efreet, and that Colette probably headed there. From where you entered, go directly south to reach an oasis-looking area.
Ack, Desian guards! Oh, great, now they've put up wanted posters. Wonderful. ^>__<^ Talk to the little kid wandering around, and he'll tell you that Colette was asking the fortune-teller a
bunch of stuff. He also tells you that the fortune-teller lives in a tent near the oasis. Talk to the guy to the left of the entrance for a scene. ... stupid Desians. In front of that guy is
another guy, and to the left of him is a booth. This is the Traveler's Mate, a shop. Don't buy anything just yet. By the way, while here in Triet, I suggest only upgrading Lloyd's equipment.
You'll see why shortly. ^<__<^;; Continue down that street.
A guy hails you. Answer Okay, and he says that he can make weapons and stuff stronger (this is a good thing). He doesn't like arrogant,
showy swordsmen (... you mean like Kratos?) (Kratos says: ... I heard that. -_- ) but he likes you just fine, apparently. The guy wants a Beast Hide, which you
should have already. If you have one, talk to him again and he gives you a Soft Leather, then says that he'll make you stronger armour. You get taken
to a menu (listed in the Shops section of this walkthrough). And yes, it's free. All you have to do is acquire the items he asks for.
Keep going, and talk to the guy in front of the house, who tells you to check out the impressive hole. Examine the hole (it's to his left),
and Genis gets all pissed off at the Desians... but... of course. Colette. Who else is so good at destroying buildings? Anyway... there's another store next to that guy's
house, with more of a selection than the other store. Back at the stone circle near the entrance, go north. There's a booth with
three people in it. Talk to them to learn about the Katz Exploration Team. They sound pretty useful, but you probably don't need them
right now (technically, if you follow my walkthrough from start to finish you won't need their treasure-recovery service at all... the monsters option is a different story, though). Talk to the
cat-like person the farthest to the north out of the three, and you can buy Ex Gems from him/her/it/cheesecake
if you wish, but you don't need any right now. Continue into the next area.
At the very back is the grocery store, where you can buy food if you want to. Keep following the path, then enter the tent at the very
end. Talk to the fortune-teller... who wants 100g before she'll tell you anything about Colette. ^<__<^;; Well, you came here to find
Colette, so pay already! Apparently, at some point Efreet went berserk and destroyed an oasis... the same oasis that Colette is headed
towards. ^.__.^ After that, she'll tell your friendship fortune for free if you talk to her again. ... tch. I think she got Genis and
Kratos mixed up... or did she? *pokes Genis* (Genis: ... *whistles innocently*) Eheh. Actually, what Genis thinks of you depends
on what you answered back at the ranch when speaking to Marble (hence why I put "If you answered 'Fine,' he'll like you better"). Ha, you can check out the wanted poster if
you want... apparently the Desians can't draw to save their lives. Try to leave Triet, and a voice calls out to you. ... aw geeze, not
these guys again. *sigh* Well, you know the drill. After the battle, Genis tells you not to let yer guard down. Yeah yeah... bzzzzzzzzzt! Augh! Abducted!
Genis and unconscious you are taken off somewhere, and a cranky Noishe follows you. You get taken inside, and the Desians decide to
take care of Genis... who starts bawling. Jeeze... so much for loyalty, huh? Well, it worked at least (although it was mostly cause Genis is an elf...).
Genis takes off but is interrupted by Noishe. He then decides to try to rescue you. The scene now switches to you inside of a cell. ... it's a wonder they didn't
kill you and get it over with. You overhear some Desians talking about you... and one actually feels sorry for you? Go fig, one of them
might have a shred of decency in him. ... or not. Most of the guards wander off, and you're left inyer cell to ponder your fate. Well...
try to hit the guard with the Sorcerer's Ring as he passes by! Don't worry if you miss, as he's dumb enough to come back after a bit. When you hit him, he runs off... and your cell
door magically opens?
Inspect the cell door next to you to get to the chest with a Beast Hide in it (the button to open the cells are to the left of the doors). The next cell has an SP in it. Now, go right and
open the chest behind the security desk to regain your equipment, yay. Nope, you don't have to re-equip it all. Continue right, fight off the
guards (which sets off the alarm), then continue through the door in the back. Move forward to inspect the weird glowing blue thing,
and then you hear guards coming, so you jump into the... whatever that thing is. The guards come in, and are apparently both blind. They
decide to go back, and they explain how to work the doors. ... yes, yes it does Lloyd, ya big weirdo. Go inspect the glowing blue thing again, and apparently the Sorcerer's Ring doesn't spark
anymore. Instead of fire-type, it's now a lightning-type. How convenient. Well, obviously the point of this is that you have to get those weird roving machines onto their blue pads,
then electrocute them. So... yeah... you go do that. Remember, use the X button to fire. Also, if you get too close to these things, they chase after
you and you have to fight them. Be sure to electrocute them when at least part of them is on a blue pad (there are two of em). Also, if
you have to fight one it disappears, but regenerates soon afterwards. Go through the door you just opened.
There are more of those stupid robots and more Desian guards in the corridor. Beat up as many as you'd like. You also get another Zskit. ... different how? They try to kill you and they
try to kill you. I don't see a difference here, but OK~... ^>__>^;; When you beat up the guard, you get a Memory Gem. You'll learn what these are for in just a sec.
Go down the corridor that goes towards the back then go through the door at the end. There's a chest on your left with a Beast Fang in it (what's with all this beast stuff in chests in a prison?
^O__o^;; ). Behind that is a vending machine where you can buy stuff if you need to. You can examine the thing on the other side of the room from the vending machine, but you won't understand
it. And apparently you can't get to the other side of the room, sooo... back to the previous room! Go up the stairs on the left.
... um... why is there a big-ass GameCube in the middle of the room? ^O__o^;; OK, go directly left and you get offered an explanation on Memory Gems and Sealed Memory Circles. You don't NEED
to unseal them if you don't want to, but there's no real reason to keep memory gems in your inventory. I usually keep one extra in my inventory just in case I miss whatever monster drops one,
but for the most part you'll find a memory gem right before you find a sealed sp. Anyway. Go examine the stand-alone blue thing near the top-left corner of the room. Yes, OK, volts and pillars,
whatever you say. ^@__@^;; Go directly left from there, stand on the weird thing that looks like a diving bloc taken from a pool, and use the Sorcerer's Ring on the pillar. Weeeell... that
explains that. Yes, the thingy in the middle moves. You'll notice that there are coloured balls on the outside and coloured points on the inside ring. Use the middle "diving bloc" and
electrocute the middle pillar. The door to the south should unlock. Go through it. On the right is a chest with a Magical Cloth inside. The door further south won't open, so go back to the
GameCube room. Use the "blocs" in this order: 1) the one closest to the door you just entered from (this opens the door on the right side of the screen. Go through and you'll see the area's
now different. Open the chest at the end to get 1500 g), 2) the one towards the back of the screen, and 3) the one in the middle. The back room should open now. Go through it.
When you move forwards, another guard appears. You decide to make a run for it instead of fighting for whatever reason, and end up in some random room. ... ^O__o^;; ahaaa... Er... it's
never a good idea to get cocky with somebody when you've just burst in on them and they're threatening you with a random energy blast... ^<__<^;; Er... he knows yer naaaaaame!! Mysteeeeeeerious...
*wiggles fingers* Well, there goes the alarm, and Botta decides to make his appearance #2. And... I can't tell if Mystery Boy #2 is hitting on you or threatening you... ^.__.^;; Um... hi Genis!
And... Colette and Kratos... ^@__@^;; And... a boss battle. Yes.
Boss: Botta, Desian guards (2)
HP: 4,200; 600
TP: 224; 38
Attacks: Stone Blast, Fireball, Stalagmite (area, earth), Rock Breaker (physical attack that hits one party member multiple times)
Recommended level: 9
My current level: 8
This guy hits
hard. However, you need to take out the distractions (i.e., the two guards) first. Make your other party members concentrate on Botta though, otherwise he will probably
kill Genis and Colette in pretty short order. DO NOT get stingy with Apple Gels; watch your HP carefully. Once the guards are gone, and he's getting the crap beat out of him, Botta
will start casting Stalagmite, which can hit all your party members within a certain radius so watch it. If he goes into OverLimit (has black all around him), get the hell away from him! Don't
forget to use your block button, even though I hate blocking... It can dramatically reduce the damage from Rock Breaker. Use Sword Rain as much as you can, or Sonic Thrust if he's too close
to Genis, and don't be afraid to back off and heal when you need to.
After the fight, Botta says that he's underestimated your abilities. Thank you, Captain Obvious. He flings his weapon to the ground and flees, tail between
his legs. Raine picks up his weapon and you fear she's about to go into MARVELOUS~ mode again, but Kratos interrupts the conversation. Well, fine. Outside, you find Noishe waiting for you.
Raine asks about Exspheres, but Kratos again interrupts. ^9__9^ He'd make the worst teacher in the world, stifling curiosity like that. Back on the world map, I suggest you heal.
If you go south towards a grassy area (and the ocean), you'll see a circle on the ground with light emanating from it. This is a Map Skit. You actually get to choose what you
say sometimes for these, and they affect your relationship points (use the Maps section of this walkthrough to find the locations of all of the skit points (blue circles)). Haha, embarrased
Lloyd. ^~__~^ You might want to wander around a bit, not just to level up, but cause two Zskits later, you get a conversation between Lloyd and Kratos, in which Combos and Status Effects
are added to your training manual. Anyway. From the Base where you were held prisoner, go right and up to return to Triet.
Genis says he's tired, so you all go to the Inn. You finally get to explain to Raine what Exspheres are... and she apparently wants one.
Shoujo-heart-bubble Raine scares me. ^.__.^;; Raine whips out a bunch of stuff, which you call junk. Er... you love pissing people off, don'tCHA
buddy? Oh look, she actually had something useful. Go fig. Well, now, aren't you Mr. I'm-Gettin-Out-of-the-Fryin-Pan-by-Bein-Mr.-Helpful?
If you talk to Kratos, he just tells you to get some sleep. Leave the room, then go left and up the stairs. You can enter the second door for a scene
between Lloyd and Colette if you really want. Enter the first door to get to Genis and Raine's room, where you give Raine her completed Key Crest. Well, you can talk to Raine again if you
really want to, or you can go bug Genis. ^<__<^ ... PINCH HIS NOSE! PINCH HIS NOSE!! AHAHAHA! ^<__<^;; Well, anyway, leave whenya want, and Raine gets all MARVELOUS-psycho again...
Back in the hallway, you notice Kratos going off somewhere... follow that weirdo! You find him outside, staring at Noishe... ahh! Dun keel meeeeeeee!! ^X__x^;; Well, you two start what
actually seems like a cordial conversation... then Kratos remembers that he's a jerk and lectures you some more. Well, sheesh.
The next morning, you find that nobody is in their room. Run outside to find your party members in the middle of the square, waiting impatiently for you. Raine gives you the Monster List...
as homework. whyyyyyyy.... Anyway. Raine joined your party! Buy a Flying Disc for Colette, equip it, then have the customizer guy customize her Chakram into a Duel Ring, and equip that
instead (you can't customise stuff you're wielding). Also, buy some new equipment for your characters, like ribbons and berets and some capes.
Breaking the Fire Seal
Angelic Awakening